Author Topic: Physical Activities after Radiosurgery  (Read 19552 times)


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Re: Physical Activities after Radiosurgery
« Reply #30 on: February 14, 2007, 10:01:04 pm »
Well. I have not been here in a while. Been working a lot of OT. So far after Radiosurgery, I have had no negative results to report, other than fatigue, but I believe that is from being overworked and underpaid. However I do have Great news, I have been placed on employment register with the Alabama State Troopers, as of January 31, 2007. So I may end up with MORE PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES this summer than I anticipated when I go in for the accelerated academy(I am really looking forward to another 12-19 weeks of paramilitary training, not). I have gotten my 1.5 back down to 12:00 since I was on here last. I am exited, but also nervous, I think the stress from my AN and GK was easy compared to the academy. I learned that before graduation I will have to run a 7.6 mile solid nonstop run full speed, they call it a "fun run", I guess the State has a sense of humor like that of Gunnery Sgt. Hartman off of the movie "full metal jacket".What ever it takes, lets do it! I just want out of small town governments.
Diagnosed 4mm X 7mm Acoustic Neuroma Left side 09/23/2006
Gammaknife Healthsouth/Highland Medical Center 12/12/2006
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Re: Physical Activities after Radiosurgery
« Reply #31 on: February 15, 2007, 10:32:20 am »
Wow Sam:

Thanks for the update.  It is good to hear the post radio good stuff.

Best of luck to you Mr. Trooper!!

Kathy - Age 54
2.5 cm translab May '04
University of Minnesota - Minneapolis
Dr. Sam Levine - Dr. Stephen Haines


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Re: Physical Activities after Radiosurgery
« Reply #32 on: February 15, 2007, 11:03:24 am »

Fantastic news and congratulations! Next time I drive through Alabama and get stopped on a speeding citation, will you help me get out of it? ::)

Thrilled to hear of your progress!  As you note, radiosurgery really is easy and if the academy is tougher, well then...... I give you credit! 

"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness", Capt Jack Sparrow - Davy Jones Locker, "Pirates of the Carribbean - At World's End"


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Re: Physical Activities after Radiosurgery
« Reply #33 on: February 26, 2007, 10:27:15 pm »
Gees Sam: I could use you in CHP here in California- guess who got a speeding ticket last week AGGGh :o... It does say to me I'm back to normal! And I have been walking on my treadmill now- also along the levy.... so post CK, I'm fine.  Awesome news about you buddy! Congratulations- Annie
Annie MMM MY Shwannoma (sung to the son My Sharona by the Knack-1979)
I have a TUMAH (Arnold Schwarzenegger accent) 2.4 x 2.2 x 1.9CM. CK Treatment 2/7-2/9/07, Stanford- Dr. Stephen Chang, Dr. Scott Soltys


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Re: Physical Activities after Radiosurgery
« Reply #34 on: March 02, 2007, 10:43:29 pm »
Thanks to ALL! Annie, I do have some good advice, slow down! JUST KIDDING! My sister lives in San Jose, and has begged me to move west, and apply with CHP, or San Jose PD, but I am proud of where I am. I was reading an article the other day published by an Insurance Co. which ranked Alabama in the top 3 for best training for Traffic Accident Investigations/Reconctruction, that is what I do, and what I am apparently good at (not bragging, I just study and train for it constantly).
I have been recently assigned to field training a few new recruits, and it has been a blast. I was running with one of the newbies the other day, and before we began to run, this newbie told me, "old man I am gonna run circles around you", I said "O.K." after 3 miles this newbie was barely able to carry his own weight. I said "don't stop, lets keep going Rookie", he then admitted that I was in better shape than he thought. I then told him " I am 35 years old, have a brain tumor, my balance is not like yours, but I have managed to beat you". This 20 year old, then looked at me with a serious look, and ask " Do you really have a brain tumor?" I ask if he would like to see my MRI film. The kid was embarrassed, and began to apoligize. I told him it was a lesson to learn about judging people, and their abilities/disabilities. He's a great kid, but just has a lot to learn.
Hope All Are Well!
Diagnosed 4mm X 7mm Acoustic Neuroma Left side 09/23/2006
Gammaknife Healthsouth/Highland Medical Center 12/12/2006
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Walter M

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Re: Physical Activities after Radiosurgery
« Reply #35 on: March 04, 2007, 02:28:30 am »
Great story Sam....

It seems I'm more or less in the same boat as you. I was doiagnosed in october 2006 and had gamma knife (xKnife) about 10 days ago. appart from some tiredness (I already had before treatment) and being about deaf in the right ear, I'm doing fine. I'm also 35 and physically I'm in reasonable shape. I'm still able to do the things with the same energy as before, however the baterries are drained suddenly and more quickly. Not a big deal. I'm working from home as a software developper and can take a little nap anytime I want. When I wake up I'm recharged with new energy and really am more productive than when I skip the nap. I get the feeling I'm doing better each day, though it really is too soon to tell.

My tumor is substantial bigger than yours (22 x 20 mm) and if it was not for the scuba diving which induced the deafness in a matter of a second, I'd probably not noticed a thing until the tumor would get much bigger than that and become a real problem. At least now, gamma knife was an option.

Of course, I've got to wait how this all ends up, but until now I consider myself lucky, esspecially if I compare to those who had surgery. I can live with the deafness and tinitus in my right ear. The tiredness will go away, I'm convinced. Since we both are relatively young we have the time waiting for science to advance. It might 10, 15 or 20 years before they can treat my kind of deafness, but I'm convinced that will come.


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Re: Physical Activities after Radiosurgery
« Reply #36 on: March 07, 2007, 03:54:21 am »
That is how I feel, buying time. before you know open heart surgery, where the chest is opened up will be a thing of the past, or it will be an outpatient thing, right?
Diagnosed 4mm X 7mm Acoustic Neuroma Left side 09/23/2006
Gammaknife Healthsouth/Highland Medical Center 12/12/2006
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Re: Physical Activities after Radiosurgery
« Reply #37 on: March 07, 2007, 10:11:58 am »
Hey Sam,

What a great story!  I could use that at work to fan off people making remarks at me  ;D

This thread is so full of energy and positive thoughts!  We sure need some of those itive energy flowing for all of us...  Way to GO, Sam!!

Annie - didn't realize (or remember) you have the same treatment team as mine.  How are you doing post CK?  I am still doing fine.  Fatigue has basically gone away in my case.  Just louder tinnitus.  Very very mild sensation once a while on my face.  Other than that sitting and biting my nails like Phyl and Bev waiting for the "fine" report from Stanford - any day now...

July 2006 - 22 x 18 x 20 mm
August 2006 - CK at Stanford by Dr. Chang/Dr. Soltys
February 2008 - 19 x 15 x 20 mm and stable
May 2009 - 17 x 14 x 18 mm


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Re: Physical Activities after Radiosurgery
« Reply #38 on: March 09, 2007, 08:34:09 pm »
SAM: nice way to put the youngster in his place ( although that is something I would do in my 20's  ayahyah..)  Sorry we can't get you in California- but I think its great that you have a passion for what you do, it's so important.  And yes, I have been on cruise control all this week. My husband also suggest that I listen to books on tapes as that calms me down!

Okay speedy chica signing off- Congrats Sam again- take care, Annie
Annie MMM MY Shwannoma (sung to the son My Sharona by the Knack-1979)
I have a TUMAH (Arnold Schwarzenegger accent) 2.4 x 2.2 x 1.9CM. CK Treatment 2/7-2/9/07, Stanford- Dr. Stephen Chang, Dr. Scott Soltys


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Re: Physical Activities after Radiosurgery
« Reply #39 on: March 15, 2007, 01:37:20 am »
Well, the last few days of running has been hot, temp. 78, and humidity seems to be up, I lost a little time on my run, but the ROOKIES are still struggling. I had one that stopped the other day and began to vomit. I thought "this is it, he's finished, I've pushed him too far!", but he stood up and walked it off. I am working them up to 3 miles now to build endurance. I have been experiencing some fatigue, and a slight dizziness, but I can still function. I go for my 3 month MRI April 17, 2007. I just dread that darn "stick" while I am in the MRI tunnel (I HATE NEEDLES). I am looking forward to when I will only have to do this once a year, or every other year! Hope All Are Doing Well!
Diagnosed 4mm X 7mm Acoustic Neuroma Left side 09/23/2006
Gammaknife Healthsouth/Highland Medical Center 12/12/2006
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Re: Physical Activities after Radiosurgery
« Reply #40 on: March 18, 2007, 09:28:48 am »
My energy has been terrific.  Had GK procedure in late January and resumed regular schedule almost immediately.  I did give myself a few days off from work but was at the gym two days after procedure. I've been back on the bike, too.  I would say that when I was diagnosed, I probably lost a little momentum on my training but this was as much due to other non AN factors rather than the AN itself.  I feel no noticeable difference in energy levels, I work the same ridiculous hours and have been traveling as much as ever.  If anything, I am a little more concious of my balance which I now know to be diminished.  Prior to diagnosis, I may have found myself the slightest bit unsteady in certain situations and didn't think much of it.  Now that I know that my balance nerve on my left side is not fully function (a situation caused by the AN and not a result of the treatment), I am more aware of my stability.  No wonder a year ago I would have a little trouble doing those one-legged squat reaches with my trainer. It is amazing that I could do them at all!