Author Topic: If you donate blood for your child's surgery, is there chance they could get AN?  (Read 2820 times)


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Dumb question - I know... But I was wondering if there is any chance whatsoever that my child could get AN or a potential Neurofibromatosis from me (via donating my blood to be used for her surgery)? It's my understanding that it is only linked with the chromosomes. I'm just checking...

Thanks -
« Last Edit: March 04, 2007, 02:14:06 pm by kippy6 »
AN surgery July 19, 2006
for 3cm AN and arachnoid cyst (right side)
Translab surgical approach
Dr. Brackmann and Dr. Hitselberger
House Ear Insititute


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Fortunately no - even if you were NF2 the issue is in the genes "when forming"
at 1-2 days old "egg" level rather than in the blood stream
an NF2 might pass the problem on through the generations
but that would be like passing on "large feet" or
"you look just like your father" - through the genetic process
While conventional ANs seem (at this stage) not to have the link at all
best regards


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Thanks - my daughter had major surgery 6 months prior to my finding out about my AN, and she received my blood in surgery. I have been wondering about this...
« Last Edit: March 04, 2007, 08:23:06 pm by kippy6 »
AN surgery July 19, 2006
for 3cm AN and arachnoid cyst (right side)
Translab surgical approach
Dr. Brackmann and Dr. Hitselberger
House Ear Insititute