Author Topic: My Story...Need Advise and Support..Scared in CT  (Read 6716 times)


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My Story...Need Advise and Support..Scared in CT
« on: March 18, 2007, 12:10:46 pm »

In June I was treated  for a sinus infection by my family doctor...then by August still felt a full feeling in my left ear...

I eventually chose to go to an ENT who actually diagnosed me with an inflamed eustachian tube...I had no insurance for the visits so all meds and ov were cash...

By October, I had no real relief so upon pressuring him...was put on prednisone prior to taking a flight (it did give relief for 5 days while on it)... ...all the while being told I had esustchian tube dysfunction...caused by residual sinus  infection and or allergies...but nothing was helping me...permanently.

Took the trip, was away from my two new cats for one week (had thought they may be the problem) but noticed little relief....

By December,  was then told I had negative ear pressure by the same  ENT (who never did reexamine the tube or do a hearing test) and that I probably would need tubes....   

I took out insurance and pursued an allergist first and a new ent....
Fast forward to new ENT who  did a hearing test and ordered an MRI...   

Diagnosis is now an acoustic neuroma 1.3 cm by 1.5 cm by 1.9 cm...pressing against the brain stem....into ear canal....presumably took 12 years to get to that size....

I am in total panic...have been to Yale first  where they terrified me with major brain surgery...and covered all bases with possibility of paralysis in the face, stroke, loss of hearing, long hospital stay and fee of two doctors....

I sought out NYU where I was give the basic 3 choices  of nothing, gamma knife and brain surgery but told "no hurry" I have no real symptoms except fullness and sound of a sea shell hissing in my left ear.
From there I found the Skulll Base  Institute  (spoke with them but insurance won't commit to the doctor's fees...and I don't know about phone consult and just showing up for surgery)

Anyone  know of their procedure being done on the East they claim hearing    can be saved by endoscopic procedure...and is only a two hr procedure...references have been very good.

I need to work, have no financial or emotional support, am absolutely terrified of loosing my hearing, business, house...and feel someone out there must know something I do not about endoscopic procedures and where else they are done.

I also read up on a Dr. Jho...wants films...I have one set...disk not PA but still out of network...

Does anyone have advise for me?  My hearing test is above 20 in good ear and lowest in bad ear is 35 with most hearing well above the 20 why give it up?

In a crowd, I definately am overwhelmed and feel ear is not working but alone one on is ok...can answer phone for example...

Bottom line,   anyone had preserved hearing from any Dr. in the area of Connecticut or anywhere near it...I want the least invasive with best result...

Why do doctor's all want brain surgery yet conflict the story by saying you can wait as it is so slow growing...then Skull Bases says hurry up and get out here before you loose more of it...   

Has anyone had any experience successfully with hearing preservation after gamma knife (what is that like) and surgery? Does it lead to risk of cancer later on?

Tell me more of recovery from all of the above.  I am in a panic and really frightened.

Connecticut and Suffering





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Re: My Story...Need Advise and Support..Scared in CT
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2007, 12:30:34 pm »
I'm also interested in the endoscopic approach.  If you log onto the Skull Base Institute's site, there is quite a bit of info including a video of the procedure.  I've been in contact with them but live on the east coast also. 
You should read this post -
When I read this, I immediately got in contact with them.  Dr. Field is out of the country until 3/26.  I've sent my MRI CD and am waiting to hear back.  In the interim, I've consulted with a neurosurgeon about gamma knife. 
Try not to panic.  I say that but for probably a few weeks after I was diagnosed, I did the same thing.  But as time has passed and of course reading everything I can find about it, that panic has turned to calm.  Being a nurse, it still feels strange to actually have options for treatment. 
I will certainly be thinking about you and keep us updated. 
1/2007 - 6 x 4.5 mm AN
8/2007 - 9 x 6 mm
CK at Georgetown 1/7/08-1/11/08; Dr. Gagnon
3/2008 - 10 x 7 mm
7/2008 - 9 x 10 x 6 mm (NECROTIC CENTER!!!!!)
5/2009 - no change/stable
4/2010 - 10 x 7 x 6 mm; stable/no change
5/2011 - 10 x 7; stable/no change
6/2012 - 8.1 x 7 mm
4/2014 - stable/no change


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Re: My Story...Need Advise and Support..Scared in CT
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2007, 12:52:38 pm »

I appreciate your quick response... What size is your tumor and do you have hearing left?  I am torn on the gamma knife worried about cancer later on but just cant think straight right now....Skull Base sounds so confident  but they are so far away and the fee is extensive for me.  I was wondering if flying out there is worth it as I have not spokent to Dr. Tahinian.  His consult can be in person, by phone, or you make arrangements and meet him right before the surgery.  I have spoken with 4  patients of his, in Colorado , Washington, Hawaii, and LA and  all are happy but none were told they would have hearing...tumors were larger than mine...if  you decide to go out there, let me know.  Please keep in touch with me.




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Re: My Story...Need Advise and Support..Scared in CT
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2007, 01:22:55 pm »
irish, first... welcome.  As you can see by the MANY folks that share here, you are certainly not alone.

First... take a DEEP breath!  Now hold it... now... exhale.... :)  Now, let's try it again.... inhale.... hold it... now exhale... see, doesn't that feel better? :)

Ok, let's see if I can also help contribute to the posts already done in response to your post.

First, any form of radiation (radio-surgery) used for the treatment of AN's has practically nil chance of giving you cancer.  You have more of a chance of getting hit by lightening vs. getting cancer from radio-surgery.  That is used as a scare tactic by many dr's that are not truly familiar with the radio-surgery protocols.  In all honesty, there are so many patients here that post (including myself) that have had the radio-surgery (all forms, GK, CK, FSR, Proton) and trust me... absolutely none of us are worried to that extent of getting cancer.  Heck, I have more of a chance of getting cancer from second hand smoke.  So..... please disregard the scare tactics about cancer and radio-surgery (the chances are so nil, it should not be a total deciding factor for you).

2nd.  There are a few here that have had Skull Base do their endoscopic procedure for AN removal. I believe ixta is one and you can find them by checking the members list at the bottom of the page.  You will see their posts regarding treatment at the SBI and their outcomes, the personnel they dealth with there and further info.

As one that lives in the Metro Boston area (as do many here), we absolutely live in a medical mecca.  Mass General, Beth Israel, Brigham/Woman's, etc. We are fortunate to have many here (incl. myself) that have had ALL forms of AN treatments here locally...... so, many of us are here to reach out to you, support you, answer questions, loan a shoulder.

JoeF also noted to you about our brunch in Worcester on April 29 at Maxwell's.  I also recommend (if you can) to come join us.  Meet us face to face to see how marvelous we all are doing.  You will have the chance to meet folks that have had surgery, radio-surgery, etc.  By meeting others face to face, it should help bring a sense of "calm" to you so you can see, first hand, that we are doing just fine! :)  Life moves on for many of us and we always have a fun time.  Please consider it.

Hang in there Irish.  Ya know... since it's St. Paddy's weekend, know the luck of the Irish is with you in the fact that you found us! :)

Again, welcome.

"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness", Capt Jack Sparrow - Davy Jones Locker, "Pirates of the Carribbean - At World's End"


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Re: My Story...Need Advise and Support..Scared in CT
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2007, 01:58:48 pm »
My AN is 4 x 6 mm.  The only reason I went to an ENT was because the tinnitus was unilateral, which concerned me.  I have a history of grand mal seizures (since age 21, I'm now 46), so I tend to pay attention to any unusual syymptoms in that region.  By the way, they could not find any cause for the seizures other than some mild abrnomality on EEG (oppposite side from AN; not related in any way).  The audiogram was within normal range but on the low normal end with low frequencies. 
I spoke with a former patient from SBI that lives in GA.  She was very pleased with her experience there.  I'm still in contact with them but in rush to do anything yet. 
I consulted with the neurosurgeon about gamma knife.  I'm not all that concerned about the possible cancer issue although I do wonder even though the stats say otherwise.  My main reason for looking into endoscopic surgery (and I'm sure others will probably think I'm crazy), is that I'm on the young side right now (although lately that's debatable!).  I don't have any other comorbid conditions that would make surgery an increased risk such as diabetes, hypertension, etc.  I would rather undergo surgery now and then if by some chance it regrows at some point, then radiation.  The middle fossa approach was suggested by my local physician but it seems to me that that procedure with it's increased manipulation of the brain leads to a much longer recuperation.  Just my thinking.  But there again, I'm not completely sold on surgery vs radiation yet.  Just thankful I've got time to decide.  All I can say is just take your time researching and obtaining the appropriate consults.  And don't panic. 
1/2007 - 6 x 4.5 mm AN
8/2007 - 9 x 6 mm
CK at Georgetown 1/7/08-1/11/08; Dr. Gagnon
3/2008 - 10 x 7 mm
7/2008 - 9 x 10 x 6 mm (NECROTIC CENTER!!!!!)
5/2009 - no change/stable
4/2010 - 10 x 7 x 6 mm; stable/no change
5/2011 - 10 x 7; stable/no change
6/2012 - 8.1 x 7 mm
4/2014 - stable/no change


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Re: My Story...Need Advise and Support..Scared in CT
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2007, 02:22:03 pm »
Hello irish211:

Welcome to the forum -

Many, many of us started out like you.  ENTs for tube/fluid problems.  Then, whamo, being told we have an AN. 

We all know what you are going through right this second.  Please believe me, you will be much better in a weeks time.  The shock will wear off and you will be able to digest what you read a whole lot better than right after diagnosis.

Size matters.  Your AN is not big so you have time to decide what to do.  See as many doctors as you want until you KNOW he/she is the one.  Don't rush, ANs usually grow very slow.

I hope you can meet the gang for brunch.  They will welcome you with open arms.  A good lot, they are.

Good luck to you, Kathy
Kathy - Age 54
2.5 cm translab May '04
University of Minnesota - Minneapolis
Dr. Sam Levine - Dr. Stephen Haines


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Re: My Story...Need Advise and Support..Scared in CT
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2007, 06:21:05 pm »
Just my two cents worth. Their is a DR. Noren at Providence Rhode Island that does a form of radiation that uses a fractionated system too try too preserve hearing. I cannot remember the person on this site who recently went too him using this procedure. I have had fractionated FSR at Johns Hopkins this past summer in Baltimore, Maryland but I am from the State of Kansas. The only thing with radiation is the location and if it is too close too Brain Stem. However your tumor fits in the radiiation size limit. Their is no procedure that I know of that can guarantee a 100% chance of saving total hearing. Phyl-who just e-mailed you had radiation and has regained 100% of her hearing back-Am i Right Phyl? You have plenty of time to check around. Best Wishes_Ron.


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Re: My Story...Need Advise and Support..Scared in CT
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2007, 06:41:57 pm »

I am not up on the medical language of all  the different treatments.

he two drs in Ct just pushed surgery or nothing at this time.
I think I need to learn more.

Mine is not large ( according to everyone so far on the site) but clearly is resting against brainstem.  I want to get more info and appreciate your mention of the treatment.
I have another appt on Fri with a 3rd at Yale who does believe in endo  removal.  He also knew about Shahinian...said he would tell me more at that appt.         

I will update after that appointment.

Thank you again.


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Re: My Story...Need Advise and Support..Scared in CT
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2007, 03:10:40 am »
calm down... if those are your only symptoms... it's annoying but probably now that you've solved the mystery, you can think of it as only annoying, not life threatening or cause for major life decisions, i can only repeat what i've seen so many times on this site - you probably have plenty of time to decide


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Re: My Story...Need Advise and Support..Scared in CT
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2007, 06:40:05 am »
Just my two cents worth. Their is a DR. Noren at Providence Rhode Island that does a form of radiation that uses a fractionated system too try too preserve hearing. I cannot remember the person on this site who recently went too him using this procedure. I have had fractionated FSR at Johns Hopkins this past summer in Baltimore, Maryland but I am from the State of Kansas. The only thing with radiation is the location and if it is too close too Brain Stem. However your tumor fits in the radiiation size limit. Their is no procedure that I know of that can guarantee a 100% chance of saving total hearing. Phyl-who just e-mailed you had radiation and has regained 100% of her hearing back-Am i Right Phyl? You have plenty of time to check around. Best Wishes_Ron.

Hi Ron.... dang, you are good :)  Let me see if I can help fill in the blanks.

Dr. Noren at Providence is correct. He is a leader, locally, for Gammaknife Radio-surgery. I had heard through the grapevine that he is doing fractionated GammaKnife, as well as a team down in TX (I think the Houston area, but I'd need to double check).  There are definate pros and cons to fractionated GK and would think that most would then opt for CK so they don't have to endure multiple metal headframe issues, but hoping anyone that may be here that may have had fractionated GK will chime in.  ellenvig is local who had GK with Noren... many other GK patients on this board that have had GK (a couple who's names escape my memory who also used Noren).

Yes, I had CK at Beth Israel and doing fabulous.  My AN has shrunk, I have all of my hearing and the "booger" is dying.

Irish, I'm on the ANA WTT (Willing-to-Talk) list, where we speak on the phone to those that need info, an ear, a shoulder, unbiased thoughts into treatment protocols. I'm more than happy to speak to you, if you'd like.  You can also contact the ANA for the WTT list as it will list persons willing to speak that have endured all forms of treatment... just a thought.

Hang in there. I know all of this info is overwhelming... but, we're here for you.

"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness", Capt Jack Sparrow - Davy Jones Locker, "Pirates of the Carribbean - At World's End"


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Re: My Story...Need Advise and Support..Scared in CT
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2007, 10:25:12 am »
Hey there!
   First off, welcome to the group!, Sorry you had to become a member this way, but in the end you will make great friends all around the world.
    If you read my post, you will see that I have researched my little butt off, in the areas of endo approach as well as CK vs GK. There are lots of options available to you and a great resource is the cyberknife support group aka., the Dr.s there are great, will answer lots of questions for you, and although some of them practice therapy with CK, they are not biased in opinion of treatment.....
     If you keep researching, you will note several things. One, the sites are often sponsered by a particular type of equipment, so the information will sometimes conflict....Second, A lot of info is OUTDATED, Third, each Dr.. will make a recommendation based upon training, insurance, facility, experience etc.
     So taking alllllllllllll of that into consideration, it can be difficult to make a final decision, however, if you continue to read up, you will eventually get the facts straight enough to make up your own mind as to what is best for you.
     Now, that being said, you seem like a good candidate for CK, which is a fractionated form of radiation, has a history of excellent results, is fractionated to preserve hearing and facial nerves which for you is a major concern as you still have your hearing etc., and it is non-invasive....
     But, if you just dont like the idea of having a tumor sit in your head,,,which I can understand....then there are several surgical options available.....different forms of microsugery are available and the techniques do indeed vary once again according to the facility and the Dr.....There is also Endo, which I personally believe to be the wave of the future as it is the least invasive, but there are risk involved with it just like any surgery so be sure to research it as well.
     Last, I personally will be having Endo By Dr. Fields..orlandoneurosurgery, in April...and as someone already pointed out, he is out of the country for the next several weeks, but he has a great reputation, great results, works with insurance which is actually one of the reasons I am going to him vs. Skull base in CA and he is located in FL, which is where I live....
     If you read my post, you will see I am not a ANer.....initially thought is was one, but turns out to be a skull base schwanomma of very rare I really wanted a Dr. who knew there stuff,,I have consulted with over 12 top specialist around the country and found Dr. Fields to meet all the criteria I needed...I am young, 42, work as a firefighter so microsurgery was not an option, was considering CK with Dr. Spunberg in Palm Beach, but we needed a biopsy....due to location of my tumor and its size,,about that of a walnut, even getting that was a big deal....onto the endo...ahaa, my solution.
Many people have had micro surgery with no ill effects, but in my case, I would need to be placed on antiseizure meds which I cannot do and keep my job..long story....So after speaking with Dr.s all around the country I finally found Dr. Fields. He does not specialize in endo just for ANs and as a result, many people do not know he exists. If you send him his films, in the form of CD which you can copy on your own computer and if you do not know how, let me know and I will teach you.....and he will behappy to review them. Dr. S in CA wanted $600 to review them where everyone else looked for free, so that was sort of a deciding factor for me....anyways, if you look up endoscopic brain surgery as your search on the computer, you will find much more info than if you look and endo An removal.

     All that being said, take a deep breath, you have lots of time to figure out what is best for you. I see you are on East Coast and if you do decide to come to FL for treatment, I am more than willing to help arrange anything here. I do not live in Orlando, but am familiar with the entire state etc as we travel there often.
     Read, search, just dont panic, it will be okay.
Such is life...Finally identified...vidian nerve schwanomma, the middle but under my transphenoidal endoscopic surgery April 19th, 2007 Pre CK treatment in Sept cavity in hopes of reducing side effects and now officially diagnosed as hard headed.

Jim Scott

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Re: My Story...Need Advise and Support..Scared in CT
« Reply #11 on: March 19, 2007, 02:52:57 pm »

I sent you a PM Sunday.  Please check it out.

Here is the website address of my neurosurgeon's practice in New Haven:  Worth a look.

4.5 cm AN diagnosed 5/06.  Retrosigmoid surgery 6/06.  Follow-up FSR completed 10/06.  Tumor shrinkage & necrosis noted on last MRI.  Life is good. 

Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is.  The way we cope with it is what makes the difference.