I am new to ANA and new to discussion forums. However, I have discovered this website and thought it important to share my experience with the hope of being able to provide information and support to those who have been recently diagnosed.
I was diagnosed with a 4cm AN in May of 2001 when I was 4 months pregnant with my son. The tumor was so large that my surgeon was not able to wait to remove it as it was starting to push against my brainstem. I was also having significant hearing loss and facial numbness. In July 2001, I had the first of two lengthy surgeries in order to remove the AN. I was six months pregnant at the time and there were lots of issues that had to be addressed besides the AN. The baby was also at significant risk but the surgery could not be delayed. I had a 7 hour surgery which cored out the tumor and took the pressure off of my brainstem. The baby did a fabulous job and the entire team of doctors from both Neurosurgery and Obstetrics were amazing. However, they did not want to risk the baby so they only were able to core out the tumor. My surgeon gave me 6 months to recover after I gave birth and then I underwent the second surgery. The second surgery was 10 hours long. Again, the team of neurosurgeons at NYU/MT. Sinai in NY, NY was fantastic and I made it through without any damage to my facial nerve which was amazing. I knew going into the first surgery that I would lose my hearing on the right side completely and I did. Fortunately for me, I do not suffer from Tinnitus nor have I ever and I am grateful for that. I don't particularly care for being deaf but it is a small price to pay for the outcome. My son is now 5 1/2 years old and an angel and I just had my fifth MRI that came back clean.
It was a tough experience for me but I am proud to say that I made it through and so did my son. I really learned to never take anything in life for granted. I hope that anyone that reads this will realize that, although it is a difficult road, you will get through it one day at a time. I wish I had known about this wonderful network of support at the time. There is nothing better than getting advice and support from others who can truly relate to what you are going through. Best of luck to everyone!