Hi Mia,
Certainly you would want to call your doctor with any questions regarding the ear as you have (unfortunately) been diagnosed with an AN, but from the description it is probably tinnitus. Most people experience this and find it very difficult to ignor in the beginning as it sounds like it with you. The more you focus on the sound the more you will experience stress which, over time, can cause more problems for you. There are many differenct techniques one can try to move away from the sound. I personally enjoy a practice of yoga daily, with a single minded focus on watching my body move while sitting still breathing. Having a single-minded focus can take you away from the tinnitus sound for the duration of your practice and hopefully you can bring this into practice throughout the day. The reason so many people have difficulty escaping the noise is because they are focused on it. So, try to focus on the ONE thing you are doing at present, breathing, cooking, working, cleaning, driving, reading, etc. HOpe this helps a little and hope one day down the road your tinnitus disappears.