I thought you might be from the UK, (I recognise the MRI scenario!) Sadly, although most NHS services are free, they are also painfully sloooooooooow.... its not unusual for an MRI to take months to come through, then more months waiting for the results I'm afraid. I was quite quick in AN terms (I am a member of British Acoustic Neuroma Association - BANA in the UK, and the forum there has lots of stories of the length of time people wait) I was symptomatic, MRI'd, and diagnosed within 5 months, that's quite rare I gather. All down to a vigilant GP who wasn't happy with my symptoms...
Although experiences broadly follow a similar pattern, medical services vary considerably between US & UK. You may find it beneficial to join BANA, if you do subsequently find out you have an AN, (it does cost, but only £18 a year, plus you get on to the UK forum, & can usually "speak" to others who are under the same consultants etc as you may be - very reassuring.) The UK forum has UK specific information.
In the meantime, in the best possible way, hope you don't have to join our club! Very best wishes.