I have found the same thing, that if I walk at a faster pace, I do much better. Unfortunately, many of the residents that I drive go much slower and want to hold onto me as we walk after parking, to get to their appointments. Well I found out quite some time ago, during my rehab, when my hubby tried to hold onto me to help me when I was crossing the street or something that if someone grabs onto me, it totally throws me off. I need to be in total control of what's going on and if he grabs me or even wants to hold hands, it totally throws me off. So when one of the elderly patients that I take to dr appts wants to hold onto me, I suggest to them that I do better holding onto them. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't and I do the best that I can in that particular situation. But honestly Kathy, try your holding onto his arm instead of just holding hands and it grounds you differently or something because I do just fine in that situation but not if someone wants to hold onto me and besides, I feel like if I need to help them, I am in a better position that way to do so. So next time, when walking through the City, take hold of his arm and see how that works for you and let us know