Author Topic: Questions to ask the neurosurgeon  (Read 2441 times)


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Questions to ask the neurosurgeon
« on: August 21, 2005, 02:26:48 pm »
Howdy, everyone!

I've already met with my neurotologist, and have scheduled an appointment with my neurosurgeon for September 14th.  I have 3cm AN, and will undergo translab at some point after my 9/14 appointment.

I could use a little advice here, so I don't miss anything: Based on your experience, what questions would you ask (or do you wish you'd asked) of your neurosurgeon before surgery? 

Although I have a list of what are probably pretty standard questions, I am open to any suggestions.  I'd appreciate anything you may want to share.


3.5 cm right AN.  Surgery 11/7/05, modified translab.  As recovered as I'd ever hoped to be.


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Re: Questions to ask the neurosurgeon
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2005, 07:30:58 pm »
Hi Josh- Just by being on this board helps a lot.  I was very lucky, another sped teacher in our district had a AN removed translab 5 years ago and answered a lot of my questions ahead of time.  But I wrote all my questions down when I went to my Dr. Appts. and he answered every one but was also impressed that I was so well informed.My Dr.s  at U of M were wonderful, even when I had to call in the middle of the night or 4:30 in the morning.  They were always there for me.  The day after I was sent home, I started getting excruiating(sp?)headaches(which I had in the hospital, but went away), throwing up for 17 hours, my daughter called the Drs registry at 4:30a.m. because she was so worried about me.  Rather than go into ER and wait forever, they had me come into the clinic first thing and they were at the waiting room ready for me.  Still don't know exactly what caused it,but evidently I had some swelling on the brain and an allergic reaction to the topical antibiotic they put on my incision.I was severly dehydrated so they filled me with fluids, poked me with all kinds of drugs, and kept a close watch on me until I went home that night.  So you can never ask too many questions!!  Good luck!  luv2teachsped
3cmx3cm/translab 5/05
University of Michigan
Dr.Telian and Dr.Thompson

BAHA implant-4/07, processor on 8/07


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Re: Questions to ask the neurosurgeon
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2005, 02:11:30 pm »
here's al isA.N. questions for doctors taken from the  website.  I hope you find it useful.
Doctor's name:
Date of visit:

Print this page out before you visit the doctor and write down the answers in the right hand column. Doctors have busy schedules. Try not to overload them with questions. Cross out any questions which don't apply. If there is not enough time during the visit, perhaps you could leave a copy with the doctor to answer later.

Basic options

I understand there are basically 3 options open to acoustic neuroma patients:

wait & watch
In my case, which do you recommend, and why?

Given the size, location of the tumor and my medical history, would you rule out any option, and why?

In case of recurrence, which procedure would you recommend the second time around, and why?
Wait & watch

At what frequency should I have MRI tests?

At what point should I stop waiting and seek treatment?

What would you recommend at that point, and why?


Surgery: general

I am told there are 3 surgical approaches:

In my case, which do you recommend, and why?
Surgical experience

How many ANs have you personally treated:

total using the recommended approach
in the past year, how many per month, using the recommended approach
How many people will there be in the operating team, and who will do what?

Do you use facial nerve monitoring throughout?

What, if anything, do you use to fill the void left by the surgery?
Surgery: duration

how long do you expect the operation to take?
how many days will I spend in the hospital?
how many weeks will I need before I resume normal activities?
Radiosurgery: general

I understand there are many options:

Gamma Knife (GK)
fractionated (FSR)
Gamma Knife
In my case, which is best, and why?
FSR: number of fractions

Apparently, some institutions recommend a small number of fractions, 3, 4, or 5 or maybe 10. Others use many more fractions: 28, 30 or more.

Which should I choose, and why?
Radiosurgery: experience

How many ANs have you treated using the recommended radiosurgery technique?
Radiosurgery: protocol

What dosage do you use, and why? How long have you been using this particular protocol? When did you last change your protocol?

What simulation and planning technique do you use? Which software and which version? When did you last update your software?

What positioning system do you use, and why?:

frame bolted to the skull
dental mold frame
thermoplastic mask


What outcomes can I expect in the following areas. Please indicate your own outcome statistics using the treatment you plan to use in my case, and also the estimated chances of each outcome in my particular case. Indicate if temporary or permanent.

Regrowth after surgery or continued growth after radiosurgery.
Hearing preservation. Percent gain or loss from pre-op condition.
Facial paralysis, taste problems, swallowing problems.
Eye problems: dry eye, double vision, other.
Facial pain, numbness.
Balance problems.
Cognitive problems, depression, fatigue.
CSF leaks.
Seizures, strokes.
Death: on the operating table or post-op.
Given no complications, at what frequency will I need to have follow-up MRIs?

Have you published your AN results, and can I obtain copies?

in peer-reviewed journals

May I contact any of your former patients, particularly those for whom you have used the same treatment you are planning to use with me? The longer their follow-up period the better, (at least a year for surgery patients and three years for radiosurgery patients).
Cost & insurance

What is the total cost of the procedure?

Will my health insurance cover the cost?

Do you see any sign of a cystic component to my tumor, and if so, does this affect the choice of treatment?

Is there anything else I should know?

No medical decision should be based solely on information provided here. See disclaimer
List prepared on the initiative of Kate Besserman, with questions from many sources including the AN Archive site.

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.