Hi all, I am new here and I am really glad I have finially found a forum about AN. My mum has been diagnosed with having a large AN pressing on her brain stem. Let me start from the very beginning. From about a year ago, she had been complaining that half her tongue felt numb and that she couldn't taste properly. She also had ringing in her ear, so she went to the ENT doc who did not find anything alarming and gave told her that she might have a vitamin deficiency so he presribed vitamins (?) to her and obviously her tongue remained the same. she went back to him as her hearing was getting weak in one ear too. he told her that her hearing was getting a bit weak, re her tongue , he didn't prescribe anything. at this stage she started to feel a bit out of balance, so he prescribed her with balance water pills which, once again did not work. at this stage she started giving up on the situation then from about 5 months ago she started losing her balance quite alot. she's be walking and starts bumping into things and she felt like she wasl walking onto one side. so she went to another professor who suggested a ct scan. from the scan a small lesion could be seen, so an mri was performed. when my parents went for the result of the mri, my sister went with them ( i just had a baby and i had no one to leave her with, so I couldn't go). anyway, the result was a large acoustic neuroma pressing on the brain stem and according to the neurosurgeon it had to be removed as it is life threatening if it stays. according to my sister, when he showed them the mri pictures, it was the size of a walnut so i am assuming it is large. Now the problem is here, we live in Malta, Europe and the nuerosurgeon who saw my mum has stated that in Malta they only get about 5 cases a year ( Malta is a very small island, hardly noticable on the map) and the cases they do get are usually not that large and complicated (pressing on brain stem). so my mum has to travel to london. all this has happened round about the end of april. about 2 weeks ago she got a phone call from the national hospital in london informing her that she has 2 options either to go up on the 24th June or the 23rd july. she opted for the 24th June. she is very scared and tense as we are too. my main concern is this - from what the neurosurgeon told them, ( I was not there so I don't know the very exact details) it is life threatening. but then if is was, how come she got two options from london? if she opted for the one in july, it would have been 3 months since the maltese surgeon told them the news. if it is as large as a walnut, would they have waited 2 to 3 months from them to send for her? could it be that as the maltese surgeon doesn't have much experience in this field, did not want to commit himself, maybe it is not as large and dangerous as he explained it to us? i would also like to know please if when you see the actual MRi results, is the image to scale, i mean if on the picture it seems to be the size of a walnut, it is actually that size or is the picture enlarged for a better image? I am sorry to be asking so many questions but we are all so scared of losing her. since she has had the news of what she has, her moral as gone rock bottom, she can't be left home alone cause we are scared that she might fall and hurt herself. she gets the occasional headaches in the morning, which i know are part of the symptoms, and the numbness is not only in her tongue now but on half her face. my biggest concern is this - is there a big chance that she will pass away during the operation, considering her age and the positon the AN is at? we have been told that there is a chance of facial paralysis too but we are all willing to accept that as long as she comes back. we love her so much and all this seems so unreal. Any experiences will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.