Hi Tatianne,
Since my diagnosis last April, I'm constantly wondering if my symptoms are coming from the AN, from anxiety, or a combination of both. I've been trying to deal with each symptom individually and hopefully get a handle on the situation. For example, I started clenching again too (thought I kicked that habit years ago), so my dentist made me a new bite guard. There has been a lot of changes in the 20 years since my last one was made, and the new bite guard is both comfortable and effective. Then I asked my primary care doc for something to help with the insomnia and that's improving slowly. I used the employee assistance plan at work and had a couple free sessions with a counselor too. In addition, I'm making a real effort to eat healthier.
Now that I'm sleeping better and don't have shooting pains in my jaw/neck/head, some of my other symptoms have started to fade: the nausea, eye twitching, shakiness, and headaches are almost gone. What I'm left with is tinnitus, balance problems and a tingly tongue. The anxiety is still there, but I'm managing.
Have you seen your doctor about the new symptoms? As Dealy says, it could be something as simple as wax build-up. It wouldn't hurt to have another MRI now, rather than waiting 'til January. You'll feel better when you know what's going on, if anything.
How long have you been waiting & watching?