Hi Dealy, I might suggest that you visit my previous posting on post radiation damage. I had sever damage, felt like I was swimming amongst sharks and finally after 1 1/2 years of severe suffering I was diagnosed in Boston with radiation damage. I came back and confronted my doctors but it was meaningless to them, my neurosurgeon in particular. However, that being said once I knew what the truth was and confronted my lifechanging situation, I began to feel better. I gave into the situation and stopped fighting to be the me that was never going to be "me" again. I can tell you that almost 3 years out now, I am definitely better, can now drive (for 4 months now) and can walk short distances without a cane. I still have issues with weather change, I too have pain in my face, teeth, slur words at times, suffer from imbalance but all in all it could be worse. I was very angry becasue my doctors basically forced me into radiosurgery 4 days after I met with the radiooncologist. I was told not to go on the internet because it would scare me and the information would be exaggerated and not medically sound. I beg to differ. Trust what you feel is real and seek a second opinion if you are not happy with what you hear this week. Good Luck, Holly