Hi, Raydean. Thanks for making this post. I have actually been thinking about this particular issue for some time now. My husband has a 3.5 cm tumor, diagnosed on Memorial Day. After a summer of visiting doctors and doing research, we have scheduled his surgery for Aug. 22 at Duke University. Before the diagnosis, we were a busy family with 2 children, often going in 4 different directions. Life was stressful, but good. But the diagnosis has forced us to focus more on each other and our lives together. I love my husband so much and I will never, ever take our lives together for granted again! Also, we have found compassion and strength in the people around us -- at work, at church, in our neighborhood. And we are grateful for that. It's made us focus on what's important, and we don't sweat the small stuff. We still have a journey ahead with treatment and recovery, but we'll do it together. We just appreciate each other so much more. And for that, I am grateful! Jennifer