Author Topic: I still can not go back to work.  (Read 2021 times)


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I still can not go back to work.
« on: September 13, 2005, 03:46:42 pm »
I had may surgery April 21 2003, I have not recoved yet still 40% left unilateral weakness. I tried to go back to work three diffant job. The first job i could only work 2 or 3 hour at a time i got realy dizzey looking at a computer screen and microscope all day. The second job i was selling cable tv door to door got dizzey walking all day. The third job i got so dizzey after three days looking though microscope i was sent home, because i could not do the job. I take Ativan it help some, but need to sleep for 2 hours. Can so body help me?


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Re: I still can not go back to work.
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2005, 08:56:49 pm »

Has any of your Doctors suggested having a medical evaluation done  by a neurologist  to sort out and identify the medical problems?  This would help in deciding on a course of therapy that might help resolve the issues and or help towards determining disabilities issues or vocational counseling. Your treating doctor, or even your family doctor should be able to refer you to a neurologist. 

In the mean time it might help if you take the time to write down a problem list of all medical problems.  Draw a simple body shape, then divide the body into sections.  For each section write down
problems that affect each area.  This way your doctor will have a starting place and you'll be less likely to forget to mention something that needs to be mentioned.  Your family will be able to assist you because sometimes they will see problems that the patient doesn't see.

I know that this must be very difficult for you.  You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.