Oh I am SO pleased to hear you actually got in to see Dr. Lorne Parnes. This is very good news. The fellow (Canadian), Dr. Sumit Agrawal, who assisted with my surgery at Stanford, has the utmost respect for Dr. Parnes. The two are colleagues at U of WO. I have the utmost respect for Dr. Agrawal (he was the Canadian warm fuzzie who held my hand through the scary surgery trip to Stanford) …
In Dr. Parnes you are in good hands – he is one of Canada’s reputable AN surgeons…
If and or when I ever return to Canada- to Dr. Parnes (and Dr Agrawal if he does not fall in love with California this year) ENT dept door would be THE first door I would be knocking on …for follow up.
Hang in there, be brave and tell Dr Parnes (who I have not met in person but did correspond with) that I said hi.
You will soon realize that the big AN world is actually very small.
“Keep moving forward�