I have now had my TransEar for 2 weeks and had a second adjustment today. I am amazed at how much it does help in my classroom . I didn't wear it for 2 days because my ear hurt ( not in the ear canal but on the outer part ) and boy did I notice the difference at school without it. When I went back to my hearing aid specialist he sanded down the outer part to fit my ear better and boy what a difference ! Now I feel
instead of
after a few hours - no ear pain. He was skeptical at first that this kiind of hearing aid would work ( He had never heard of it before I called him)...... but he now is looking forward to helping other people who are interested in the TransEar. It was well worth the 100 round trip drive the 2 times I went. For those of you in South West Washington his office is located in Vancouver.... e-mail me if you want information. Very nice guy and super helpful.
I wondered if I would be able to tell directional sound with it... and last week when my husband and I were walking... a dog barked loudly and I was able to point across the street to the yard he was in (I couldn't see him.. .. the yard was fenced) .... wow that was really great. Anyway, I am a happy camper with my TransEar. No, it doesn't sound the same as the old ear used to... but it sure is better than nothing... and I feel less stressed around people and don't have to strain as much to hear what is going on.
Just wanted to share my positive results. Thanks to all of you who have shared with me about your own TransEar experiences.... it was very helpful. I would sure recommmend this over another surgical procedure (BAHA) .... but that's just my feeling because I don't want anymore surgerys .... or more metal in my head
I also like having my hearing ear clear without a hearing aid in it too.