Author Topic: Headache H E double hockey stick  (Read 5918 times)


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Headache H E double hockey stick
« on: August 24, 2007, 12:45:03 pm »
Topamax is my friend.  It was helping me very much.  Then I got a sinus infection.  The headaches were different obviously because of the sinus infection.  After the sinus infection the headaches leveled off again and I was good.  They started again but felt different.  Then it came yet again.  Another sinus infection.  All of this stuff repeated itself not once, not twice, but three times and now, once again, makes four.....FOUR, and I am in headache H E double hockey stick.  If the stupid hospital where I had my stupid 3 yr MRI would have sent the stupid results to my neuro, they could have given me my results almost 3 months ago.  I would have found out that I have stupid bilateral maxillary sinus retention cysts.  But noooooo, they neglected to send the results to the doctor who ordered the test because maybe that would've made some sense.  So, basically, I'm at the point that if I go to my GP, he won't want to put me on antibiotics (nor do I really want to be on them again) because the stupid infection will just come back again, knowing what I now know, and I can't get an appt with my ENT until Sept. 20th, because being the normal person that he is, he's on vacation then his appts tend to get backed up because he's a very good doctor and I really don't want to go to anyone else.  Oh, and yes, my MRI was clean and the there is no evidence of residual tumor or tumor regrowth :)  At least there is something to be happy about :O)  So now that I know my headaches are sinus related I decided to take advil and since they are extremely painful headaches and 2 advil usually don't help, I decided to try 3 yesterday and guess what, nothing, nada, zilch.  Today I tried 4 to no avail :(   I give up.  Going to go hide in a hole until Sept 20th when my ENT will come and rescue me unless someone else has a better idea.
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Re: Headache H E double hockey stick
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2007, 08:51:09 pm »

   You vent very nicely! This is not to make light of your situation, however.
   Now, if these are truly sinus infections and repeat themselves, they either must not get cleared up entirely between infections or you have something as deviated septum or pollops.
   Wow, it's a long while until 08/20!
   Maybe Advil for Sinus, Flonase, a decongestant until the 20th?
   I know, I'm not much help...



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Re: Headache H E double hockey stick
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2007, 09:50:01 pm »
Thanks for the suggestions, but Advil Sinus does nothing, Flonase is useless to me (I'm on a different steroid spray that's useless as well), and I am also on allegra for allergies.  I also take mucinex that's supposed to help get rid of the congestion (at least my doc said it would help, so I take it, it's nothing major so it won't hurt me).  I spoke on the phone this afternoon to one of my docs and he gave me the name of another ENT to contact that I should be able to see before 9/20 for a complete sinus study.  I'll call them Monday and see what happens.  I just want to be able to breathe from my nose again and get rid of the headaches and fullness I'm feeling, I don't know how much longer I can deal with this BS.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2007, 07:34:06 pm by Static »
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Re: Headache H E double hockey stick
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2007, 07:41:26 pm »
I, like Deb, will start replying to my own stuff, if only in frustration and to just get it all out of my system.  I called the other ENT's office and they can see me by the 13th of Sept.  Big whoop!  I actually feel more comfortable with my regular guy so I think I'll call his office tomorrow and start begging.  I saw my GP today in desperation and I don't have a sinus infection which I had been starting to suspect because I was having all this congestion and the color was pretty clear.  Bottom line, he can't do anything for me.  He won't prescribe antibiotics for a non existent infection and I don't want it if I don't need it.  I need to see someone who can really clear this all up.  I was up last night for about 5 hours because I could only clear one nostril for about 1 hr at a time here and there.  The headaches are extremely intense now and I feel like I sleep walked through out most of today.  Now that I can sleep, I am wide awake and the congestion is building again :(  I really can't decide which headaches have been worse, the AN headaches or these damn sinus headaches.  I do know that daily headaches are major punishment and I wouldn't wish them on anybody!  Somebody just put me out of my misery!
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Re: Headache H E double hockey stick
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2007, 08:28:06 pm »

My empathies go to you. Being a fellow headache sufferer and basically all drugged out, I sometimes feel like hitting my head against a brick wall but I would probably get caught for destroying property.

We can only hope that new meds will be discovered coz I think between this whole forum, w have tried just about every med on the market.

Sorry no help, just don't want you to have to reply to your own post again!!!! one mad crew membe is enough (laz ducks for cover as Deb slings medicine cabinet down under)

2.0cm AN removed Nov 2002.
Dr Chang St Vincents, Sydney
Australia. Regrowth discovered
Nov 2005. Watch and wait until 2010 when I had radiotherapy. 20% shrinkage and no change since - You beauty
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Re: Headache H E double hockey stick
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2007, 09:03:11 am »
Hey Karen,  Looking at the title I thought you took a hockey stick to the head or something. Now that's something I know something about.  Anyway, I'm sure you tried just about everything but this link I'm attaching offers some possible quick fixes. The article starts off by stating your exact words.
Keep us posted & Always wishing you the best...

Captain Deb

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Re: Headache H E double hockey stick
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2007, 07:30:47 pm »
When I was having excrutiating pain in my painting arm (my livelyhood) and the receptionist said it would be 2 months before the bone doc could see me, I went and planted myself in the office and raised a ruckus. Sometimes pirattitude helps. Put yourself on the cancellation list. Call everyday and become a pain in the a$$. Become the squeaky wheel that they can't wait to grease!  Works for me!

Captain 8) Deb
"You only have two choices, having fun or freaking out"-Jimmy Buffett
50-ish with a 1x.7x.8cm.AN
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Re: Headache H E double hockey stick
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2007, 09:19:23 pm »
Thanks everyone for your encouragement.  Laz, thanks for just being you :)  Bruce, thanks also for your suggestions.  I do know that I have allergies, but that's not my only problem right now, something is probably wrong with the plumbing.  Steve, the article was very interesting and reminded me that all the bottled up tension that I have is probably also contributing to these head bangers I've been having lately too!  Deb, basically I am where you suggested I be right about now.  I called today and told them I can't wait until the 20th.  He has 2 other offices and I will go to either of them if I can get an earlier appt, I also asked about cancellations and said that if there weren't any, to be put on that list, so far, I have been moved up to the 12th.  I'm going to call them back on Thursday.  I spoke with my GP today and got something a little stronger than the advil because it's just not cutting it.  So, I do what I have to do at work because I can't take anything too potent while I drive, then at least I  know that when I come home, relief will come soon.  I can't afford to take off work right now, too many bills to pay.  I'm sure you are all too familiar with that scenario!  Thanks so much for being there to listen and offer your advice/thoughts, it means alot.   
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Re: Headache H E double hockey stick
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2007, 02:04:47 pm »
Big Huuuuuuuuuuugs to Ya, ya red-headed wench! So great to meet you in person and get to spend a lil time wiv ya face to face!   And get a real Hug!!!! Hug! Hug!  Cyber-Hug! Squeeeze!! Squeeze!!

Hang in there Baby (image of lil' kitten in tree with big suprised eyes comes to mind!)

Hugs Again!

Capt Deb 8)

"You only have two choices, having fun or freaking out"-Jimmy Buffett
50-ish with a 1x.7x.8cm.AN
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Re: Headache H E double hockey stick
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2007, 11:45:59 am »
So what's going on in Headache double hockey-stick-land with Karen-dear???????????? Hope you are feeling better!!!!!

Capt Deb 8)
"You only have two choices, having fun or freaking out"-Jimmy Buffett
50-ish with a 1x.7x.8cm.AN
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Re: Headache H E double hockey stick
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2007, 03:32:18 pm »
Hey Deb!
I'm hanging in there.  Been sick for a few weeks but getting better now.   I had a bad throat infection that got worse from allergy problems.  Seems I had these little ulcers deep down in my throat that burst and I could hardly swallow or turn my head, etc.  I ate alot of ice cream and waterice and drank alot of water.  My throat was extremely painful and dry feeling.  A steroid dospak helped to reduce swelling but it was viral and had to run its course.  Anywho, doing much better now and going to finally contact the headache specialist tomorrow to make an appt as long as I don't hit another brick wall with that one again.  I had to wait until I got next week's work schedule in case they hit me with an appt open for next week (in my dreans). Going to see a hearing specialist to have a molded earplug made for when I go to marching band competitions to see my daughter perform (and football games) because the headaches from those are killers but I think it's just from the noise and I just need a good earplug.   My sinus headaches aren't as bad that I can't deal with them with advil and I know which is which and I do get headaches other than just the sinus buggers but they aren't too many.  Will keep you posted, I've just been really drained but have been popping in here and there.  How the heck you doing with the topamax?
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Re: Headache H E double hockey stick
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2007, 11:51:37 am »
Jeez, Karen! It seens that it just snowballs, doesn't it! We get this stupid AN then complications from it and then complications from the meds used to treat the complications then complications from the meds used to treat the med complications! Crikey! I'm holding my own with St. Topamax, Patron Saint of Intractable Migraines. Praying to her with 75 mg a day and not too crazy and a very svelt size 6 thank you very much.  I can get about 2 more hours of work a day out of this poor old rust bucket of a body before I hafta go lay down in dry dock for an hour or two. No complaints.

Take care, be well and sail on!

Capt Deb 8)
"You only have two choices, having fun or freaking out"-Jimmy Buffett
50-ish with a 1x.7x.8cm.AN
Mid-fossa HEI, Jan 03 Friedman & Hitselberger
Chronic post-op headaches
Captain & Designated Driver of the PBW