Best to not even think about drinking, just yet anyway as you are getting ahead of yourself. Concentrate on the "now" or "today" moments as your post surgery recovery will dictate what Christmas holds for you in regards to balance, energy, etc. BUT, from what I know about drinking post surgery, for me one drink feels like two. Please begin to increase your water consumption now so your body is well hydrated and you will be able to continue this after surgery. They say 6 to 8 glasses is sufficient, well they are right--sufficient to keep you alive, but 14 to 16 is keeping yourself hydrated. It's alot of water if you've never drank this much everyday that's why I say to start now, increase your daily amount by one to two glasses until time of surgery. I didn't get it until I "upped" my hydration and this is when my daily headaches went down considerably post surgery, now 14 to 16 glasses is the norm for me and I can tell when I haven't had enough.
Will be thinking about you on November 9 and my thoughts go to your doctors on that day. I look forward to hearing from you after your surgery.