OK, this isn't on the healthcare issue, but the original topic of the doctor not wanting to treat them. I know I am jumping in late, but am STILL trying to catch up! I just have to throw in how my views on Dr's changed DRASTICALLY after my recent trouble after my T3 surgery. As you know, I went from Texas to Baltimore to the Dr. who "pioneered" the T3 and to my knowledge one of the only physicians in North America performing it. After I came back to Texas, I started having all of the trouble (still debatable if it was a fluid build-up or an infection, but treated for infection and really doesn't matter b/c it is behind me now!). NOT ONE specialists would see me here!! My PCP finally saw me and then he got an Infectious Disease doc involved, but no ENT or Plastic Surgeon would touch me - they all wanted me to go back to Baltimore. Hindsight, I wish that I would have, but I was trying so hard to stay with my girlies! My doctor in Baltimore (who I LOVE) couldn't even believe it! He said, "WHERE do you live??" It is really not the total hicks here - we even have a medical school (a branch of Texas Tech). I KNOW it is b/c they were afraid of lawsuits - it makes me sad, not because no one would treat me, but that we are living in a society that has come to that -- I am raising my girlies in a world that only cares about themselves and not helping others -- the total opposite of what I am trying to teach them!! Ok, just had to throw that in!!