Author Topic: Classroom noise  (Read 9404 times)


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Re: Classroom noise
« Reply #15 on: October 24, 2007, 03:31:49 pm »
4 suggested that I postthis over here to... I had originally posted it under hearing issues...

Came in a little bit ago from our Cub Scouts first Pack meeting since surgery...

Big  building that echos ... lots of wild and woolly little head was spinning in a
short time ... being the Cubmaster I called the meeting to order... we had some
things for the boys to do to keep them busy while we adults  planned the activities
for the next several months...

Was trying to explain to the boys what they were going to do... many were speaking over
the top of each other ... something that used to not bother me ... I whistled to get their
attention and my youngest daughter told them that I had a brain tumor and they were giving
me a head ache... alot of jaws dropped and it got very quiet...

I explained that I did have  a tumor and that I  had it removed during the summer and was
alright except for losing my hearing in right ear and had some balance problems ... now I had a
bunch of sad sacks on my and adults... I explained the louder they were the less I
heard and could get a headache or dizzy just from the noise and they needed to be a bit quieter...
they were all so serious and said they would be quieter for me

now it is my youngest's  to add her two cents worth... she piped in with
but if she didn't get operated on she would quit breathing and wake up dead...

there was a moment of silence then one little boy yelled  yay .... she's breathing ... and the
whole bunch about 30 kids in all started stomping their feet and chanting  she's breathing
their pledge to be  quiet didn't last long ... but the noise was worth it ...

kids are neat beings... even if noisy

3mm AN discovered Aug 2004
Translab July 2 ,2007
3.2cm x 2.75cm x 3.3cm @ time of surgery


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Re: Classroom noise
« Reply #16 on: October 24, 2007, 05:01:32 pm »
That is a great story, and one I needed to read today.

Kids are neat people. I have learned that in my years of teaching.

Thanks for sharing,

multiple AN surgeries
last surgery June 08


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Re: Classroom noise
« Reply #17 on: October 25, 2007, 11:53:24 am »
hello Soundy

Yes, It is awesome, children can me so understanding. and also helpful
espically our own


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Re: Classroom noise
« Reply #18 on: October 27, 2007, 04:39:01 pm »
I think that noise or a big part of all of our lives that we take for granted until the word Ana come i to our lives. I went to the Dr and his neon lites drove me nuts, especially when you go to the apointment and are on time and have to waite for a hour to get in. And then they put you in a little room where the noice is really bad. I had to leave my apointment and reschudel . I had to give up childrens church cause I  couldnt hear the children. I have even stoped going to church . The noise is unbearable. people  just dont understand why or even ask why I havent been to church..Yeah, I get depressed and sleep alot the headaches are terrible. my skull hurts where they went in too so it is hard to sleep. My Dr is mad cause I am a diabetic and dont eat like i should. But what can you do..well good luck on the noise . wish ya luck my prayers are with each one of you..oh, I havent seen capt Deb hope she is doing well too..Linda
radiation feb 05, gammaknife, tumor is 1.2x0.08/ surgery Nov 1st 2006 Dr House/Swarts/


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Re: Classroom noise
« Reply #19 on: October 29, 2007, 07:02:21 am »
It is soooooooooo good to see you back!  We have all been wondering about you.  Capt Deb is fine, she taking care of her hubby and grandkids!  Thoughts and prayers have been with you.  Let us know what you have been up to!
Brenda Oberholtzer
AN surgery 7/28/05
Peyman Pakzaban, NS
Chester Strunk, ENT