yes, well, they haven't heard of it in general. But, you're not alone in this! lol I became the Post-it King! My desk looked like it was more Post-it than desk. It would have taken an archaeologist to find a particular note, and weeks of digging. By the way, Post-it didn't work for me in the end as I could never find the right one! Spiral notepad worked much better, and looked clearer too!
Short-term memory, mid term memory, concentration, comprehending what was going on at meetings, not really being able to process information as normal, getting overloaded at the slightest discussion with multiple inputs - like two people talking... Been there. Took a bit of time to get through that for me, but by the 8th month things started improving. At the time I had to get a dispensation from attending meetings and from doing anything involving groups of people. For a lecturing job, that's kind of difficult to do! lol BUT, and this is the important part, things will improve. And one day you'll wake up and suddenly realise that you're feeling better and can handle things again, slowly. Happened to me, one night I was thinking 'this is hell!' and in the morning I felt fine!! Weird. Full memory recal and concentration didn't fully come back until about 10-12 months. And even now, at times it is still easy to get overloaded, depending the circumstances and the fatigue level.
Anyway, hope things will improve for you.
All the best, Lorenzo