Author Topic: What a transear really costs and how my audiologist has mis treated me.  (Read 4625 times)


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Hi all,

I have waited four months for my trans-ear and over a month since it came in because my audiologist has tried non stop to haggle with the state agency that is paying for it.  They have had it in house for over a month but are with holding it because they choose to try to haggle with the state department of Vocational rehabilitation which has been very helpful to us.  They can only pay 300 over the invoice price for the hearing aid and my audioilogist who shall remain un named (contact me if you wish to compare notes), and is an OVR vendor is trying to haggle while I sway in the wind.  I am taking on a job teaching HS chemistry in a high need philadelphia school in Jan and am anxious to acclimate myself to the hearing aid ASAP, but even though they have authorized the payment my audiologist has withheld the aid.  I called transear and got the date that they signed for it.  My molds were taken in the first week of July.  My audiologist is a member of the pennsylvania academy of audiology and they complain on their site that OVR sharing invoices with patients.  Out of respect to the guy from transear that frequents this site, I will not divulge the actual price my audiologist paid for transear but I will tell you that your audiologist makes a tidy profit on the sale of 100% + or - 10%.   Those of you paying out of pocket should use this info to negotiate a better deal.  I am certain that it is not all profit but come on, it is not that hard to inject the ear mold stuff, and mail it and the hearing exam which I paid for any Joe or Jane on the street could tell that I was deaf in one ear in a few minutes without a hearing exam.  They wouldn't even accept on from another audiologist, I had to pay out of pocket.
What a scam, I am really looking forward to my transear, I just wish I was treated better in getting it, my audiologist knew they could not negotiatiate but tried anyway at my expense in time.



2 cm Left Acoustic Neuroma Remved on 1/31/07
Via Retro Sigmoid resection at Hospital of U of Penn - complete removal by Drs. Judy and Bigelow.
Deaf in Left ear.  Looking at TransEar for dealing with SSD


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Re: What a transear really costs and how my audiologist has mis treated me.
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2007, 12:43:35 pm »
Hi again,

Check out and how they are upset that patients are finding out how much they pay for hearing aids.

2 cm Left Acoustic Neuroma Remved on 1/31/07
Via Retro Sigmoid resection at Hospital of U of Penn - complete removal by Drs. Judy and Bigelow.
Deaf in Left ear.  Looking at TransEar for dealing with SSD