Hi Suzanne,
In 2002 I found that I had a 3m AN in my right ear. It was discovered after trying to find out what was causing my increase in tinnintus. I had no other symptoms. My hearing was normal and I had no dizzy symptoms.
I did a "watch-and-wait" for 3 years while I monitored the growth and researched all my options. By 2005, my AN had grown to 4.5mm so I felt I should do something before I lost some hearing. I still had no hearing loss.
I looked into md-fossa surgery, FSR at John Hopkins, GK at Mayo and CK right here in St.Paul. I decided to have my treatment locally so I went with Cyberknife which consisted of a 3 day out-patient protocol.
It has been 3 months post-treatment. I had no physical side effects after CK. In fact, I went back to work the day after my 3 day treatment. My hearing is still perfectly normal and I have had no dizzyness or facial paralysis. But it did come with one other one side effect. I have an increase in tinnitus which is a high pitch sound, much like what an old TV set's piture tube emits. It comes and goes but seems to spike in the presence of loud noises. I get depressed with it at times, but I guess I am lucky for I could have had a lot worse issues.
I have not had a follow-up MRI yet so I can not say if my AN has changed but so far, my #1 concerrn of hearing preservation is still met. No hearing loss or change since treatment. I am also at the 3 month mark which is where the tumor swells from the radiation treatment. They say it can take months for the radiation to show its effects on the tumor.
Good luck on your decision. I know it is hard with all of the options and opinions. The biggest problem I found is that each doctor has his or her opinion as to which is the best option. Surgeons seem to always bash radiation. Also, remember that just because a treatment is new, does NOT mean that it is no good!
Hope this all helps.