My name is Dann. I live in York, PA (about 25 miles south of Harrisburg). I was originally diagnosed in early 2006, waited and watched for a year, then underwent stereotactic radiotherapy (radiation) at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore in June 2007. I chose radiation over surgery to avoid all of the risks and recovery from surgery.
You are not alone in dealing with anxiety related to the ringing and hearing loss. If I think too much about what I have lost (significant hearing on my left side) or what I cannot escape (the ringing), I become depressed and scared. There have been times when I've felt like stopping my car and running, or I jump up out of bed at night and have to go outside to catch my breath, because I feel trapped in a kind of hell.
A lot has been written about anxiety, and I recommend that you learn as much as you can about that subject. Here are some tools that work for me:
1. I practice cultivating a positive state of mind. When I "water the seeds" of negative thoughts (about hearing loss or ringing) by indulging, or dwelling on, those thoughts it eventually leads to depression or an anxiety attack. When I ignore those thoughts or replace them with positive thoughts, I can avoid the depression and anxiety. For me this really works. But it takes practice. When I was getting started with this, and even now when times are hard, it really helps to have an MP3 player loaded with uplifting music or a motivational speaker.
2. I let go of the past and stopped worrying about the future. Thinking about--longing for--the way things used to be is like holding onto a poisonous snake. Worrying about the future is to die a thousand deaths. I've been a lot healthier spiritually since I began practicing this.
3. I don't hate my schwannoma. I don't hate what it has done to me. I'm not going to spend my energy on hating it. In fact, with the perspective of two years I have to admit that my shwanno has been one of the most deeply humanizing experiences of my life. I've become much more compassionate because of it. I've learned a lot about myself and about others. I've become a lot more spiritual than I used to be, which itelf has lead to a lot of healing.
4. Get good medical advice. It is amazing how uplifting good advice can be.
My wish for you is to find much comfort in this AN community (which I just recently discovered myself--I wish I had found it years ago).
Your AN buddy in York, PA