Hello everyone,
I didn't leave the forum just didn't have much time (energy) to respond, I read almost everyday what is going on just didn't have much to say.
After 3 weeks I started seeing movement in eyebrow.
At 4 weeks I started having movement from eyelid.
7th week I saw slight movement in the corner of my mouth and slight movement blink reflex.
4 months Post Op I could close my eye completely (stopped using eye cream), raise my eyebrow, drink out of a glass, and smile so that nobody could see the difference.
Now at the end of 5 month Post Op, I can (with alot of concentration) wink with both eyes, smile normally, the blink reflex still dosen't close my eye completely but keeps my eye moist enough that I don't need cream. I still can't whistle or blow up a balloon but I think that is also slowly coming back.
I'm very impaitent and had weeks where I saw no improvement so I have found alot of heros here on this sight, who stay upbeat even though thier improvement is much slower than mine.
Dan in Germany