Author Topic: Wonky head feeling  (Read 2044 times)


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Wonky head feeling
« on: March 21, 2008, 06:46:11 pm »
Just joined!  Read the threads from last Sept about that wonky head feeling. Definitely what I have. Surgery last November, been back to work for 7 weeks and its draining me. We work long hours 14+ on a compressed work week and are constantly on the move throughout the day. I start a 6am and usually starting by 11 I have headaches and this foggy feeling which really slows me down. I forget things unless I write them down and forget what I was supposed to do 5 minutes after I had the thought. Maybe this goes with the territory but I guess I just want to know how long does it last ???. My balance is 90+% and my hearing has gotten worse in the last couple weeks. See the doc for MRI /follow-up in a coulple weeks.


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Re: Wonky head feeling
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2008, 09:34:42 pm »
So, i figure you are about 4-5 months post op.  Congratulations for your determination!  You are working some long days. 

I found the need to have a break midway through my day at that point.  Can you close your eyes and get an auditory/visual escape for 15-20 minutes each day?  The break or "catnap" might help with the headache, too.  The theory is that the nerves need a brief rest.  Forgetting items that are not written down is common post op. 

Having 90% balance at this point is great!  So that part of your recovery is a positive.  Your energy level and ability to focus will improve as the months go by.  I can honestly say that my energy levels weren't back to normal until the 11th or 12th month.  Now at 27 months post op I have a feeling of complete mind and body recovery.  My point is that you keep getting better. 

A visit with your doctor might explain the reason for the diminishing hearing.  Perhaps the nerve response is the reason for some of the fatigue now.


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Re: Wonky head feeling
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2008, 06:25:30 pm »
Hi Krutltx
Welcome to the family.  I go along with Boppie -- I admire your determination.  I had my surgery in December and the thought of doing 14 hours of anything exhausts me.  I can't do my work yet cuz I got to be able to smile to do it -- but I sure wouldn't want to be putting up with those 6 AM calltimes about now.

As far as the wonky head -- I have it and I'm not doing nearly as much as you are.  I think it comes with the territory.  I try running and I feel like one of those Bobble-Head dolls with my head bouncing around on a spring.  Other times I'll be walking along like Mr Helium Balloonhead.  My balance exercises seem to help get rid of it a little.  And I've been taking Lipo-Flavonoid -- that may be helping.  I am sure that a boost of Vitamin B12 sure wouldn't hurt you during those 14 hour days.  By the way, what do you do -- "on the move 14 hours a day" sounds like the entertainment business

One other thing I do for my brain to help it come back is a lot of mind exercises -- like crossword puzzles and on-line tests.  It seems to help memory -- that lost feeling.

Again, good going on your work and best wishes.

Right ear tinnitus w/80% hearing loss 1985.
Left ear 40% hearing loss 8/07.
1.5 CM Translab Rt ear.
Sort of quiet around here.