Author Topic: Head noise/tinnitus???  (Read 4801 times)

Jan D

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Re: Head noise/tinnitus???
« Reply #15 on: March 20, 2008, 08:57:49 am »
Until I joined this site, I didn't even realize that what I was experiencing was tinnitus.

When I'm extremely tired or when I've been in an environment with a lot of activity and noise for an extended period of time, I will get this "whooshing" sound in my good ear.  I tend to lose my balance a bit as well.  The only thing that has helped me is rest and nourishment.  I find that if I eat something with protein, it helps me get over it sooner.  I know, wierd.

I did ask a doctor about it one time and he said that it was due to my tumor - no more details than that.  In otherwords, his attitude was "live with it".

Thanks to all of you, I can put a name to what I'm going through and also know that I'm not alone.

Jan D

AN removed July, 1966, size of golf ball, seventh nerve severed, shoulder nerve graft in 1967, corner of eyelid stiched twice, deafness in right ear, right eye does not close nor tear and right side of face has virtually no movement.


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Re: Head noise/tinnitus???
« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2008, 02:47:37 pm »
The AN ear is very sore and achy. Could it be an infection?
Dani, If the ear is red and very sore, or if it shows signs of crusting it could have a superficial infection. 

But my ear lobe and the ear behind it were sore and very sensitive for several months post op.  I couldn't lay on the ear for a long time.  It felt like the cartilage was bending backward.  I know it wasn't bending like that.  When I would press on the crack behind the lobe I felt pain.  Also the ear was numb in parts and sore in parts.  I believe the nerve endings are reconnectiing across the incision.  After 28 months I have all the feeling back but the tip top of the ear where my glasses hook.  Sometimes the side piece slips off and ends up dangling down before I even notice it is hitting the lower part of the lobe.  I am not griping, just making word pictures.  Life is good.