hi klm: I'm an 'amateur' pianist (Chopin & Debussey my favorites). When I'm playing piano in the quiet of my home there is no problem with
sound for me.
The only problems I have at work is inability to make out what people say if more than 1 person talks at a time; high pitched voices are
more difficult to understand than low pitched. Like 'satman' said, when someone calls my name, or if I hear a dog bark, etc., it always
sounds like it's coming from the left (hearing) side . When driving & I hear sirens, I don't know what direction they're coming
from, so I have to look all around.
One problem I personally had with playing piano immediately post op was getting dizzy, especially if I was playing a piece I hadn't memorized & had to look up at the
music then down at the keys (since you're a professor, you probably don't have to look down when you play !). It has gotten easier as time
Always good thoughts, Nancy