Doc confirmed today that the itching is due to healing.
He also said he's very happy with the looks of the site - apparently I'm healing at record speed and things look better than he anticipated.
My concern about my hair growing too close to the abutment is totally unfounded; just me needlessly worrying. Probably because I have nothing better to do

(these are my words, not the doc's)
He also said that catching my shirt on the abutment won't do any damage to it or to my head, that it would take something pretty major for that to happen. Nevertheless I promised to be more careful in the future by trying to be a little more conscious of the metal in my head

So, I am right on target for the processor in about 60 days, which is just about the time I will be having my 1st annual MRI.
Almost forgot, I asked what the approximate cost of the processor will be and the doc and the audiologist said they think it's about $2,500. I thought that was good news since I've been hearing $4,000.