Wow! I'm very pleased everyone found my experience helpful! It was very nice reading all of your posts. Jim, you seem like you'd be great to hang out with!

I too commend everyone that sticks around to help people get through their experience. You simply can't beat that kind of help!
A few people asked about my father's procedure. I had mentioned that some docs told him he may not walk again after his surgery. Although this is probably extremely rare, it was mentioned as a possible result of his surgery. But remember, docs have to tell you these things even if it is close to impossible. I'd urge those that felt worried after reading that comment to fear not. It was simply something that worried my Dad enough for him to tell me about it.
Remember that a lot of what you read on the internet can be outdated, as several advances have been made in this realm.
My father opted for endoscopic surgery from a surgeon in Los Angeles. Their website is . The surgeon's name is Hrayr K. Shahinian, MD (
I participated in the phone consultation with him and my Dad and was very impressed with his knowledge and reassurance that my Dad was going to be ok. The incision was very small and the scar is no longer visible on my Dad (it's covered up by his hair).
LizH, I hope the above answered your question. My Dad did have some issues with balance before the surgery, but was able to walk ok. He still has some slight balance issues, but it hasn't gotten any worse. He didn't need physical therapy after surgery, but then again he probably wouldn't admit needing it if he did. I believe his will [to be as normal as he was before getting his AN] was a tremendous help with his recovery. I sincerely believe positive mental attitude made a huge difference for him.
I was not with my Dad during his surgery (he flew out to California with my stepmom), but he sounded good on the phone after it was over. The surgery wasn't too long (6-8 hours if I remember correctly). He wasn't too fond of the trip home, mostly because he was just so exhausted (surgery does that), but he had a great attitude about everything.
Thanks to everyone that replied! You all seem like such a good group of people!

- Ryan