Hey Lacey,
thanks for sharing this with us. Like you (and many here), I also have FMS... my first diagnosis 7 yrs ago. Found it to be a "secondary" to all my other ails. There is a great book called "Living Well with a Hidden Disability: Transcending Doubt and Shame and Reclaiming your Life" by Stacy Taylor, M.S.W., L.C.S.W with Robert Epstein, PhD. My sister gave me the book when I was first diagnosed with FMS (she has "hidden" situations as well and advised this read). May be worth a peek to any and all of us that deal with our AN's, FMS, etc that show nothing outward, but we sure feel in inward.
As I noted, many of us do live with this "hidden" aspects of our AN journeys (not all, as some as facial, etc issues) and I brought this up during the meeting. I guess, for me, its me trying to help bring to the forefront that living with "hidden" aspects of illness (regardless of any disability) and hoping something good can come from it.
I thank you all for terrific inputs.... in light of recent press (ie: Sen Ted Kennedy, the great debate of brain tumors and cell phones, etc).... at least this AN situation many of us come to know is being brought to the forefront. In reading my National Brain Tumor newsletter yesterday, I'm thrilled the U.S. Gov't (in light of Sen Kennedy) proclaimed May 2008 National Brain Tumor Month...... it is far time that this situation that we endure is recognized and addressed. I never thought I'd get involved with local politics, but if my participation on the commission can help at least one person, then wonderful!
Thanks all! Great job, inputs, thoughts, suggestions... and heart!