Rosalie -
I'm glad you decided to come out of "the shadows" and I think it will help you to be here sharing with us. Although I have absolutely no problems with those who "lurk", I think it's nicer when people don't because it's easier to offer them the support they need.
I'm really enjoying the BAHA. I was at an awards assembly at my children's school yesterday and although I've attended it every year for about 6 years, last year was the first time I was SSD (it was about 2 weeks after my AN surgery). It was very frustrating to me because the person seated to my left was holding a conversation with me that I couldn't really hear. Sometimes I would turn my body so I could hear her with my good ear, but a lot of the time I just found myself smiling and nodding and saying "yes" every once in a while. Luckily, my responses were appropriate because she seemed to think I was holding up my end of the conversation without a problem.
Yesterday, I wore my BAHA and I could actually hear the person seated to my left. A wonderful feeling.
If, or when, you get to the point where you are considering the BAHA, don't hesitate to ask me any questions - even if they sound silly to you. You'd be surprised to hear some of the questions I asked others on this forum. If you don't want to post them on the open forum, you can always PM me. I have found that although my doctor has a lot of patients who have BAHAs, he and his audiologist can only give me secondhand information, since neither of them actually have one.