Hi all,
I got my blinkeze eyelid weight on Wednesday. I THINK I like it for the most part. It has a tendency to slide down during the course of the day and then push my few remaining eyelashes into my eye. I've had to do a lot of experimenting to get the right positioning. The good news is that thought my eye still LOOKS like H***, it feels better, and I only have to do the eyedrops every hour instead of every 15-20 minutes. I'm wearing it to bed, and then I don't have to tape my eye shut, which is also a good thing, as I'd like to regrow my eyelashes at some point. It is very apparent that I'm wearing it, but it just adds to my appeal at this point, what with the palsy and Ace bandage. ALSO, and this is important, if you get one, know that they fit down the drain...(oops). I still have the blurry vision in the left eye. Does that ever get better? Does it get better when the palsy improves?? That's actually the most annoying part of the recovery - I would really like to see clearly out of BOTH my eyes!