Hi Anne Marie,
Sorry I haven't returned to this thread lately. My participation has been sporadic due to my recent obsession with the Olympics. I find them really fascinating and always have, especially the events that rely on great balance (imagine that! Gymnastics is my favorite event. I really thought Shawn nad Natia would clinch Silver and Gold but Silver and Bronze is nothing toi sneeze at. It sounds like you, Lori ,Kay and Debbi,have been doing quite a bit of planning for shopping sprees, especially for shoes. Shopping is one of my favorite passtimes and I love shoes. I'm like Debbi, I like to get my sandals at the end of the season and give myself a present the following Spring. last year I bought four pairs of thongs for $65.00 total -- the non-sale price would have been over $200 so it was a fantastic buy and a win-win situation! Thank you JC Penney!!! I'll have to see how I do this year. Sorry to hear your problems with high cholesterol have not gotten any better but now that you are off your meds hopefully it will go down. How are the headaches and did you doc say what you can take for them?
Hi Lori --How are you? I see you're up to your usual hijinx!!