Author Topic: Post OP Troubles  (Read 2550 times)


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Post OP Troubles
« on: January 20, 2006, 07:08:18 pm »
Hi Everyone,

Well, I have not had the best run of it.  I had my surgery on Dec 13th.  To keep it brief, I was readmitted to the hospital three times.  The big problem was bacterial meningitis (very painful and scary).  I am now home and on antibiotics.  I am hoping this wil be the last of the setbacks.  Once I go off the antibiotics, the MD's will have a better idea if the meningitis was a complication of the operation or caused by something that they used inside my skull i.e. the mesh.  I am trying not to think about that.  The thought of another surgery after all that I have been through is tooooooo much to take.

Anyway, since I have been home my progress has been slow.  I have terrible headaches, near the wound site, in the back of my head when I try and lay on a pillow and in the front of my head.  I am also suferring from balance issues. I have had alot of pain in my surgery side eye.  And one of the excersizes they gave me (keep an object in view and turn your head from side to side while keeping the oblect as your focus) really hurts not to mention that it is very disorienting.  And although I am exhausted, I can barely sleep at night, I average 4-6rs a day. 

I have a whole host of other problems but these are the worst.  Any help or guidance on these symptoms would be greatly appreciated.  I would love to know if anyone has vestibular excersizes they can share or headache treatments.  Also, just a sanity check on my symptons would go a long way.


Rc Moser

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Re: Post OP Troubles
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2006, 07:33:37 pm »
RM, so sorry to hear of your sitituation. Once is enough to go through let alone having to go back to the hosiptal three times. I cannot even compare my pain to yours. I did alot of the excerises and yes I had similar problems and pains a few weeks after my operation.  IMO your's is compounded by the infection and any reopening of your wound.  I Hope things get better for you. I think most of us AN'er suffer from headaches and Migraine's. seems to be a side effect of the operation, precedure, or errors made IMO.
9/17/03, 4.5CM, Translab, OU Medical Center, Dr. (the ear man) Saunders and Dr. B. (the BrainMAN) Wilson  along with about 4 other Doctors that keep me going for 18 hours.


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Re: Post OP Troubles
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2006, 11:09:33 pm »
I had a 3cm AN removed 8-2-05 by translab. I was readmitted with meningitis and the meningitis was worse than the surgery. I had horrible headaches and took lots of pain meds. I came home with a pain patch and oxycontin. I am not usually a medicine taker so as soon as I could, I got off of them. I then took percocet and alternated tylenol and ibuprofen. I was sufering from a previous neck/back injury before the surgery and was given vicodin but the neuro otologist switched it because it has been linked with hearing loss.
I used heat and ice for the headaches. Heat usually felt better. I use a cherry pit pack that I heat in the microwave. The surgical nurse said you can fill a tube sock with rice, tie it and heat it in the microwave.
I am using those eye exercises you mentioned and in PT they have me standing on a trampoline with my eyes open and then closed. I also do exercises sitting on an exercise ball sometimes sitting and sometimes bouncing. I am much better but sometimes I still get nauseous and dizzy.
I didn't have eye pain but I saw spots and squigglies but it has cleared up. The eye doctor said blood vessels had ruptured from the meningitis.
I Know things are rough right now but they will get better.You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Keep us posted,


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Re: Post OP Troubles
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2006, 01:34:09 am »
Try doing the eye exercises from your bed and gaze at the opposite wall.  Just shift the eyes back and forth for now.  Do the movement of the head exercise later.  Shift the eyes up and down vertically.  Do the exercise until you get dizzy, wait and rest.  Do the exercise again.  Rest.  Keep doing it until you can do this really well, then advance to a movement more difficult.     

Is the weather good enough there to walk outdoors a bit and replenish oxygen?  Can you drink more water?  At first I had trouble sleeping for more than 4 hours, so I'd get up, eat something, sit up in a chair, doze there and finally get sleepy enough to go back to the lounger.  If you normally have caffeine you could have withdrawal headaches from that.  Try a few sips instead of a lot. 

Did they show you deep breathing exercises in the hospital?  I learned to put myself to sleep with these.  Slow long big breath in, release (Make the chest rise high while drawing in).  Repeat. 

TV and monitor were hard to look at when I was having sleep problems, but I guess you've already discovered this. 

I am sorry you've been having so many problems for this long.  I will say some prayers for you.  Keep in touch.


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Re: Post OP Troubles
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2006, 01:47:53 am »
I have a link to a list of vestibular exercises but they mostly involve body and head movement. 

You were so kind to send me good wishes before my surgery.  I hope you can report improvement in a few days.


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Re: Post OP Troubles
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2006, 01:45:02 pm »
Hi Rita- So sorry you've had such a difficult time.  I didn't have to go through anything near what you have.  Do your exercises very slow at first and work up the time and speed.  Please remember that it takes a lot of time to recover.  Be kind to yourself!Praying for you-luv2teach :D
3cmx3cm/translab 5/05
University of Michigan
Dr.Telian and Dr.Thompson

BAHA implant-4/07, processor on 8/07