Author Topic: Radiation therapy  (Read 1926 times)


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Radiation therapy
« on: October 02, 2008, 05:38:51 pm »
Phyl, Jim, Elaine & Theresa, Thanks for all of the info!  I am having my next MRI on Nov.19th and then will see Dr. McKenna.  At this time, I plan on telling him that I want to go the Radiation Therapy route at MGH.  If my AN hasn't gotten any bigger I imagine he will want me to continue in the watch and wait mode.  I will tell him also that I want to make an appointment with Dr Loeffler.  Elaine, you said that you had to wait 3 months for the tx to start.  Is that because he has so many An patients to do?  Theresa, I'm so grateful that you told me what had to be done prior to your tx.  It took me awhile to digest all of that but it was a big help.  Jim, I appreciate your help also.  Meeting you folks at the last brunch for the first time was a blessing.  Just to talk openly about this is amazing.  I don't discuss this with very many people outside of Bob.  Jane (jcinma), if you read this note, I'd love to hear from you as Phyl said maybe you could help.  I've been really lucky as the only problem I had was a week of dizziness (tolerable and able to drive) in May.  Can't wait to see you all at the brunch.  Elaine..............good luck and my prayers will be with you.


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Re: Radiation therapy
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2008, 05:41:29 am »
Hey Kathy,

Moved this to the "Radiation/Radiosurgery" forum where its better suited... thanks for understanding.

Sounds like things are really coming together for you. I know jcinma/Jane pops on here from time to time (last time I spoke to her, life had been fairly hectic but I know she's "peeking" here)... Jane and her lovely spouse will be at the brunch, so at least you will get to talk to her there before your meeting at MGH.  I'm so tickled that things are falling into place for you and if I can be of help, you know how to find me!

Hang tough... hugglez to you and Bob!
"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness", Capt Jack Sparrow - Davy Jones Locker, "Pirates of the Carribbean - At World's End"


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Re: Radiation therapy
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2008, 02:24:14 pm »
Hi, Kathy
the delay in treatment is due to the limited availability of the proton machinery, with priority going to those who are in more immediate need than we ANers (again, thank heaven!  A benign tumor is preferable to the alternative.).  Interesting anecdote, though....a friend's nephew, who had a recurrence of brain cancer, also had to wait almost as long for his treatment to start.  Again, there's the prioritization, based on need, I guess.  And, also both Dr M and Dr L said I could still W&W, but I decided the time had come to act, especially since I knew I'd have to wait 3 more months.

I am like you in many respects ... I don't talk much about this outside this group (and even that's behind the scenes in know, I'm kinda shy  :) !  But, interestingly, I now find myself telling not only my family and friends, but also almost complete strangers just what's going on and what's going to happen.  I wonder if that's me getting nervous about the approaching treatment or what?  The other day, as I waited for all my prep appointments, I spent some time in both the proton center waiting room and the "regular" radiation treatment waiting room. It's amazing, and a bit scary, how busy both areas are...but, I must say, people were generally calm, even smiling.  I bet I was the most nervous one there, and I was only getting a mask fitting and CT scan!

If you have any other questions, please let me know. You can PM me too.  And we'll talk more in Nov!
« Last Edit: October 03, 2008, 02:27:07 pm by elliemae »