Hey Marci.
I was all set to try accupuncture myself, as a last resort before having the 7-12 done. I did go for one treatment, which didn't hurt or anything, but you know that gut feeling we all talk about when we find the right surgeon? Well, I didn't have it with this accupuncturist. I think if I had walked in to find a 200 year old Asian man who barely spoke English, I would have been okay with it, but this guy was a blonde haired, blue eyed kid (he was fresh out of accupuncture school) from the mid-west and something just didn't feel right about it. So rather than trying to avoid hurting his feelings and keep going, I decided to tell him I'd decided on the surgery instead. I just felt like my instincts have served me well so far, I'd probably better keep listening to them.
If you found someone you're comfortable with, I'd say stick with it. It can't hurt. Well, maybe the needles can hurt a little....

Let me know how it goes.