Author Topic: Throat irritation, throat or chest spasm, cough...  (Read 4987 times)


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Throat irritation, throat or chest spasm, cough...
« on: September 02, 2008, 12:27:32 pm »
I had Translab about 1 year ago and it seems that most everything went well, except:

Two months after surgery, I had indigestion issue and it lasted for about 6 months.  Now that issue is gone, however, in the last 2 months, I seems to have some kinds of coughing issue, spasms from the throat and in the area along the esophagus and down to the chest diagram.  When I have to talk a lot, then my chest feels heavy and i start to cough and my throat is irritated.  If I exercise then the throat (or something in that area) spasms come back.  If i relax then things are fine, no spasm.  If I eat a lot, then there is more likely to have spasms.

 I went to the pulmonary doctor and he gave me some steriods to inhale because he thinks that i have a mild case of asthma.  However, that drug caused some pain in  my throat so he gave me antibiotics for it and that fixes the pain or infection. 

However, the bottom line is that I still have the spasm, throat irritation, etc...

I dont think that I lost weight because of this issue, but it does limit me from doing my usual exercise and workout. 

I wonder if this condition is related to the surgery...anyone has experienced the same issue?

BTW, my nerve has not improved even though it is about 95% normal, but this is the best that I think I have and I'm thankful that things have turned out pretty good.  My taste seems to get better on the left side and almost normal however, I do tear on the left eye when I eat some hot or spicy foods.

1cm AN on the left side.  Surgery was on Oct 2007 at HEI.  Currently having issue with it, may be a CFS leak.  Not feeling too well.


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Re: Throat irritation, throat or chest spasm, cough...
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2008, 07:21:07 am »
How big was your tumor?  There are many cranial nerves, as you know, I remember another poster in the past having spasms when they talked or got excited and their tumor was in the large range, same as you.  It is very possible the nerve controling your esophagus has been affected, but I would check with your surgeon about this.  I can have the same symptoms, albeit a minor inconvenience and my tumor was in the small range. 
1/05 Retrosigmoid 1.5cm AN left ear, SSD
2/08 Labyrinthectomy left ear 
Dr. Patrick Antonelli Shands at University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
12/09 diagnosis of semicircular canal dehiscence right ear


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Re: Throat irritation, throat or chest spasm, cough...
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2008, 06:09:51 pm »

I talked to you before few times b4 the surgery. Thanks for the reply again.

My An was ony 10-11cm, but before the surgery it gave lots of grieves.  My left face was almost paralyzed and had to resort to steroid just one week before the surgery.  My left eye is a little smaller and is kind of affected by this and may be it also affects my esophagus too, but not sure...

1cm AN on the left side.  Surgery was on Oct 2007 at HEI.  Currently having issue with it, may be a CFS leak.  Not feeling too well.


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Re: Throat irritation, throat or chest spasm, cough...
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2008, 07:50:26 am »

I believe the nerves we are talking about are the cranial nerves IX and X, a.k.a. glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves.  One can "google" this to read more on why this is happening.  Bottom line from what I've read in past is "trauma" from tumor/treatment can cause this. 

Hope this helps in informing you, but realise it doesn't help with the symptoms.  Even though my symptoms are "mild" I have found it helps to stay in a more relaxed state once I've figured out where/when I will choke. 

BTW, how are doing overall?  P.S. I figured out you didn't mean your tumor was 10-11cm but rather, mm.  Or is the decimal missing in which case your tumor is 1.0 cm x 1.1 cm?  Either way doesn't matter--peace.
1/05 Retrosigmoid 1.5cm AN left ear, SSD
2/08 Labyrinthectomy left ear 
Dr. Patrick Antonelli Shands at University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
12/09 diagnosis of semicircular canal dehiscence right ear


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Re: Throat irritation, throat or chest spasm, cough...
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2008, 12:10:15 am »
I'm grateful for what I have now. It could be lots worse.  The only issues that I have are some nerve weaknesses on the left face, eye, neck, and now the difficulty breathing and the spasm in the throat down to the esophagus.  Beyond that I'm pretty normal.  People would not know that I had the surgery and my left ear is deaf.  I'm very thankful and try to enjoy the most everyday.  Now I'm into other things like road bicycling, photography, etc..

The throat issue and spasm seem to be OK as long as I'm not stressed by something, which makes me think that this is caused by the nerves.

1cm AN on the left side.  Surgery was on Oct 2007 at HEI.  Currently having issue with it, may be a CFS leak.  Not feeling too well.