Funny I missed out totally on this post and very sorry I did as I had a labyrinthectomy performed in February of 08 as I was having much difficulty with oscillopsia (bouncing vision) for three years after my first surgery in 2005 for 1.5 cm AN. I couldn't get one doctor in my home town to get the diagnosis right and it wasn't until I saw Dr. Antonelli (my originial surgeon) at the Philly Symposium that I spoke to him regarding all the trouble I'm having, using a cane nowbecause I was unable to keep my balance, and sent him all reports from "specialists" that saw me post his surgery. Another MRI was ordered and he recommended labyrinthectomy.
I stayed awake for the procedure, not long, hour or so, they did a nerve block so didn't feel a thing and they went in through the ear canal as my hearing in that ear was dead anyway. I went back to PT and today I'm doing great. I'm very happy I chose to have the surgery, it comes with risks, but at the time I was crashing, having seizure-type symptoms, and started asking myself if this is how I have to live for the rest of my life, I'm not interested.
I attended an ANA meeting where a doctor was present talking about having to do gentamycin injections to solve the problem a few too many people are having with balance. Seems surgical patients and radiation patients complain of having much difficulty with balance. The injections are done in a controlled manner so as not to destroy the hearing nerve, but it does destroy the vestibular/balance nerve and it's this nerve that causes us the problems.
In my case they found inflammation and hemhorrage in the inner ear and cochlea. Dr. Antonelli took everything out, and I have my ear bones! I'm looking for a locket to put them in so I can keep them with me. Hope this helps. PM me and I'll pass on my phone number so we can talk if you want.