Well I am just about 20 days post CK and I found my first bald spot tonight.
In the middle of the bang area. Thank goodness I part my hair on the side. The spot is about the size of a dime, slightly red, and a little itchy. I have noticed that is has been kinda itchy over the last few days. I have some other areas that are itchy too and I am wondering if some more spots will pop up over the next few days?
I know a few of you have had hair loss with your radiation treatments and realize everyone is different - did you lose all the hair at once or have spots pop up periodically? Was the area red? Itchy?
I do remember during the CK opening my eyes and seeing the robot right in front of my face above the eyes and very close to my head. Now I am wondering if this bald spot corresponds with the positioning of the robot's arm to get to the pathway to target the tumor?
Things could be worse! I can live with the hair loss if the tumor shrinks!
Otherwise I feel great! Can't complain - balance is good, no dizziness, get fatigued here and there but not too bad.
Would appreciate any advice from those of you that had hair loss with radiation.
Thanks! Suzanne