Hi all,
I've just completed week 2 of "back to work; Marci's next big adventure" and week 2 was much better than week 1. I spent more hours in the office, got more accomplished, and had an all around better time. I am distracted by my facial issues much of the time (numbness, burning, weakness, eye tearing, facial muscles pulling) and trying to balance medication with staying alert. BUT, I am there! And even though there are weird cognitive things going on, I am compensating well enough. Friday happy hour this week consisted of crying on my husband's shoulder, but the self-pity party was brief, albeit soggy.
The way I look at it I have some choices to make. I can let this get me down and stop me from living life to the fullest or I can concentrate on my accomplishments rather than dwelling on my problems. I am here, I am still me (mostly), and I am in the process of healing from a major surgery that involved my brain and several cranial nerves. I am one lucky girl.