I just tell folks to speak up because I have hearing problems. With people I know well, I tell them I have an AN and explain the situation. Others, I just tell them I have a hearing problem. When I'm walking with someone, I walk on my good ear side. I try to put myself in a situation where I am able to listen with my good ear, but it doesn't always work out that way. Especially hard when you have people standing on both sides of you. My hearing is fairly good right now, so it is not so bothersome. I haven't had treatment yet so I don't know what I will be facing once that's done. With my husband, I just keep telling him over and over to speak up. I think he just forgets. I also take control of the TV remote--MINE!!! Hearing issues are frustrating, but it's something we have to live with. I think if you preserve at least 50% of your hearing you can get a regular hearing aid. If not, then you can get some other type of hearing device called a BAHA. Others will chime in because I have no clue about the hearing aid issues. Hang in there, and I would say be assertive.