I have not been active on this board for a long while while trying to get my life back to normalcy.
My surgery was 26 months ago and for the most part, my life and heath are fantastic. I consder myself to be very lucky.
My hearing was lost in the AN ear and I have a hearing device in my good one. On normal days I do just fine; I've adjusted.
I have the same issues in load places that everyone has who has hearing in only one ear. I hate it, but I know it could be much worse.
My questoins concern balance, dizziness and headaches.
I went through the rehab excercises, but I still have issures. If I turn my head fast or if I have make a sudden turn with my head I lose balance and or experience dizziness.
A good example is when walking our dog. He sometimes gets tangled up and forces me to make a complete circle while still walking. This really gets to me almost to the point where I feel like I'm going to go down.
My doctor says to keep up the excersises, I did for awhile, but I wonder if if this is as good as it's going to get.
I have come to realization this is my new norm and gotten used to it, but I thought I find out if others were experiencing the same issues.
My other question is headaches. I average around one per week which isn't too bad compared to many. It always starts at the bottom of the area where they went in for the surgery. The pain slowly works up the back of of my head and hangs on for 12-18 hours. I have taken many kinds of over the counter pain medicines, but nothing seems to help. It only goes away on it's own.
It seems as though there should be some medication to help this. The doctors kind of blow mw off, saying it's common to the proceedure they used.