Author Topic: John Micheal Montgomery/AN  (Read 5989 times)


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John Micheal Montgomery/AN
« on: March 25, 2005, 05:11:18 pm »
I thought that i would share the following.  While none of us would want another person to be a part of the AN journey, I appreciate John Michaels honesty regarding having a AN.  Often times people within the entertainment field and major ceo's will keep health conditions hidden so as not to be viewed as 'less then" in a very competitive area.  Perhaps his honesty will lead to greater public awareness.
Best to All


John Michael Montgomery
 When John Michael Montgomery performed the National Anthem at Sunday's Golden Corral 500 race at Atlanta's Motor Spleedway, it was obvious something was wrong. In response to many emails from people who were confused or offended by his unsteady performance, John Michael posted an explanation on his web site. In a nutshell, he explains that what may have appeared to be an "alcohol related" problem was in fact a health issue. "I have been diagnosed with a condition knows as Acoustic Neuroma which can seriously affect my hearing and balance," he reveals. "The unsteadiness in me that you saw was my vertigo and lack of balance." The good news is John Michael's doctors are hopeful that the problem can be corrected. Let's hope so--he's one of the good guys.
Source of information Countryweekly
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Re: John Micheal Montgomery/AN
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2005, 07:39:06 am »
For those of you who didn't see Mark Ruffalo's interview in the May 9, 2004 Parade Magazine,  here is a synopsis I posted to the original ANA Listserve:

The article is by Dotson Rader.  It says Mark Ruffalo married Sunrise Coigney around 2000, and in 2001 their son Keen was born.  Just a few weeks after his son was born, after completing 'The Last Castle' with Robert Redford (good movie, by the way), he was diagnosed with acoustic neuroma.  It made him angry and determined.  Whatever he was fighting against, it wasn't going to beat him. 
He said he had a bad dream and woke up in tears.  In the dream he knew he had a brain tumor.  He said it was so real that he had it checked out, and was diagnosed with AN.  He underwent complicated brain surgery, which left part of his face totally paralyzed.  About 3 months later saw a tiny twitch in his eye.  He said after another 3 months his face was completely back. 

In 2003 he was 'In the Cut', and this year (2004) '13 Going on 30'. 
He said he was always aware of the frailty of human beings, and the sorrow in the nature of things.  Looking back, he said, everything that seemed a curse was really the best possible thing, even his tumor.  He said there is living you're forced to do when you're ill, a constant expanding of what you thought you were capable of being.  He wouldn't give any of it back.  He's learned that even in sorrow, there's joy. 


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Re: John Micheal Montgomery/AN
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2005, 10:35:40 am »
 I hope also that AN research and awareness will get more attention as a result as well...
Originally 1.8cm (left ear)...Swelled to 2.1 cm...and holding after GK treatment (Nov 2003)
Gamma Knife University of Virginia
Note: Riverside Hospital in Newport News Virginia now has GK!!