After four weeks of painful guessing and wondering about what I was looking at on my MRI and what exactly the report said, Dr. Chang yesterday gave me the good news
... He said that the left post-AN side look good and that nothing was growing. What the Radiologist report was talking about was attributable to the AN surgery artifacts. Dr. Chang said that the person that did the MRI doesn't have the luxury of comparing and reviewing against my previous MRIs. That person also, doesn't know my history and the details. The Doc said there's no difference when he compared it to my 3mth post-op MRI. He also said he did not agree with the report from the radiologist about the right side. That is was not an AN and that I was not NF2. This tiny area they were referring to was some minor inflamation and would probably not be there on the next MRI. Regardless, he said not to worry... He also gave me all my MRIs to keep and that he would set me up to have another MRI in 6 months just to put my mind at ease. I also had a hearing test, and nothing changed. Still deaf on the left side and great hearing on the right. Now, with all this good, I have to tell you this trip was not without major PAIN.
The Doc says my scar looks great except for down by the neck area. He called it a Keloid (scarring tissue), I refer to that section as an eathworm that has permanently attached itself to my neck
. I asked him won't this go away over time. He said it might, but he doubted it since I was 14 months post op. He said that down the road if I wanted "scar revision", he could and would do it, and that it was covered under insurance. I said covered? Heck yeah... In the meantime, he said what I can do is try steriod injections to see if we can get the keloid to shrink and be less noticeable, so I might not have to have scar revision surgery. He asked "You still want the steriod treatment? We can do it now." I said, "Sure, will it hurt?"
... Without pausing, said says, "Oh, yeah its gonna hurt"
He proceedes to pull this needle out and dissapears behind my head.
Holy Jesus - Mother Mary...
I reverted 35yrs back to a 3 year old and had tears flowing from a tear duct, I wasn't suppose to be working anymore... After 8 injections, he say we're done. Its not the needle that hurt, its the steroid liquid. That awful burning sensation lasted dang near an hour after we left his office. The best way to describe it was -- Have you ever accidentally stepped into a fire ant mound ( I'm the only person that's ever done that). Except this time you left your head in the fire ant mound for an hour. Dr. Chang says, I'll see you again in a month for your next steroid treatment. Not likely, I'll have to think about it. Even a dog that's been wupped knows better than to come back asking for more.
All in all, it was a great afternoon. I felt a heavy weight had been lifted off my shoulders. The great news was my Christmas wish. The wife and I rejoiced and celebrated by going out to dinner last night. Thanks to all the well wishes and prayers from everyone here. I'm a true believer, the power of prayer does work...