Today is the day I'm printing out the list of things to take to the hospital and going shopping - thanks for that list!!! Does anyone who had a retrosigmoid surgery have any suggestions on a good pillow? Mine is really soft, very fluffable, but no support - I'm a side sleeper. I've seen all kinds of variations of pillows at stores, but there's too many options! Thoughts?
I underwent the retrosigmoid approach surgery. The large and too-tight headwrap is a burden but can be cut a bit (by your doctor) to loosen it and if you implore your doctor, as I did, he'll probably remove it in a few days (3, in my case). I can sleep on anything but, like the inestimable
Jan (
'leapyrtwins'), I'm a side-sleeper and it was tricky sleeping on only one side, but I managed. The 'AN side' (my left) was sensitive for about 4-6 months, but eventually healed and I now sleep on that side with no problem. For a pillow, I would choose one that is firm but not 'hard'. However, each of us probably has their own definition of what constitutes 'firm' (or soft) so I would guess that, whatever others may choose or recommend, in the final analysis, you'll have to decide for yourself, which is usually the best course to take, anyway. I hope you find the pillow of your dreams.