Had my 5 month Post Op appointment this morning. Dr Gantz was very pleased with my progress. He was excited about the hearing in my AN ear, too. Said it was right where he would expect it to be. I do have a hearing loss - like 20 db (but not sure if that's 20 total or 20 from where it was before, which was good), but I have a 92% word recognition!
From reading other posts, I know that that is the important part. I did ask the other dr if a hearing aid woudl be of any help to me. She said that with the hearing good in my other ear, many find that the good ear compensates enough for the bad one and feel they get along fine, but if it was something I wanted to look into I would be a good candidate.
So, I have that as an option if I decide to go that route. For now I will just wait and see. Otherwise, all is good. Hooray!