Just a quick update - I had my first visit with the Neuro Muscular Facial Retrainer yesterday. It is a long trek from where we live, so we broke the trip up and stayed in NYC the night prior to reduce the car time yesterday.
I am so glad I finally did this! The therapist spent about 2 hours with me and went through each exercise in great detail. I had Willie with me, and the therapist showed him things to watch for with my face. He confirmed what I already kind of knew - lots of movement back in my cheek and upper lip, but slow going on the rest of my face. I feel really good about having spent the time with him, though, and now have a whole new set of things I can do to try to get my face as symmetrical as possible and to minimize any "inappropriate" movements.
Like we all know, this is a process that requires endless patience!
As a bonus, he also put me through some vestibular tests - which I failed! Turns out that I still can't walk a straight line heel-to-toe. At least it was good for some laughs.
Thanks for all the good thoughts!