I've been wearing Chatty Cathy every day, all day long. I'm quite used to it now. I get the best use out of it when I'm outdoors going for my daily walk. Having a sense of directionality makes the walks so much more enjoyable. Without it, I must look like some paranoid drunk turning my head constantly in response to every dog's bark, gardening tool, and car engine while each turn of my head results in loss of balance. Can you picture that? Not a pretty sight.
I found CC is not as useful at work, especially now that my cubicle has been moved to much bigger room with some 40+ other cubicles and much more noise--lots of phones ringing, lots of people chatting, oh so much more noise. I get some directionality, but not like outside. I still feel I'm better off with it than without it.
Thanks for asking.
I hope your friend is doing better. You're a good friend, Wendy.