Am I the only one in the world that has had problems with my my BAHA? I had the abutement installed Dec. 2004. Fitted in March with processor. After 1 month saw NO benefit, yet my abutment area was very sore, and I had an increase in headaches! Went back to the doc, they evaluated the processor and found it to be defective! Received new unit the next week. I wore the unit religously for the next several months, my pain was still there, headaches had increased in severity and frequency, and did NOT see much improvement in my hearing. Now in fairness to the advertising people at Entific or whatever they are calling themselves now, I have been gradually losing my hearing on my good ear, as well as having been diagnosed with hyperacusis. (a sensitivity to normal sound). I am scheduled to have the abutement removed next month. Finally the docs have said there isn't anything they can do, but monitor my hearing loss and hyperacusis. I stay in my home and only go out when I have doc appts. I wear ear plugs to soften the sounds of everyday living noise.
Hopefully there is someone else out there that has had negatives on the BAHA.