I had my vestibular nerve removed during surgery. I threw up alot. don't know if it was from the dizziness or the anesthesia. Maybe it was both. Couldn't keep much down during my 5-day stay in the hospital. I was so dizzy that just moving my eyes caused me to throw up. I kept my eyes closed most of the time during my 2-day stay in ICU. It didn't help that one eye felt like it was bouncing and the other felt like it was spinning.
On day 3 I was moved out of ICU into a regular room. It was there that a physical therapist came to help me sit up in a chair. The surgeon had warned me about how hard just sitting up for a few minutes would be. I thought I had an idea since just moving my eyes made me dizzy. The truth is that I had no idea how hard it would be, but I did manage it.
The next day the PT showed up with a walker to help me walk the hallway. That was very difficult also, but I found that the 1st time trying anything was extremely difficult, but after that it got easier. After that I got the nerve to go to the bathroom without the help of a nurse, but with my walker.
I stopped using the walker 2 or 3 days after I went home from the hospital. Actually, that's my sister's home. I stayed with her for 2 weeks. I stayed indoors most of that time and got around by holding on to walls and furniture. Then, when I got home (my home this time) I found an adjustable cane in my garage. As soon as the smoky summer air cleared up a bit, I started walking around the block with a partner and my cane. I think the cane allowed me to look around and feel steady.
Before sugery I had never fallen--except for one time that I passed out on my kitchen floor. I felt wobbly when I walked, and I bumped into wall corners alot, but I've never fallen. Nine months post-op, I'm still wobbly when I walk, but I bump into wall corners less often.
I still have my walker. If you want it, it's yours. So send me a PM if you are interested.